Package | com.transmote.flar.marker |
Class | public class FLARMarker |
Inheritance | FLARMarker Object |
Subclasses | FlareMarker, FLARToolkitMarker |
See also
Property | Defined By | ||
centerpoint : Point [read-only]
The centerpoint of the marker outline in the 2D space of the screen,
calculated as the average of the outline's four corner points. | FLARMarker | ||
_centerpoint2D : Point = null | FLARMarker | ||
_centerpoint3D : Point = null | FLARMarker | ||
centerpoint3D : Point [read-only]
Centerpoint of marker outline extracted from the tracker transformation matrix. | FLARMarker | ||
corners : Vector.<Point> [read-only]
A Vector of four Points that describe the four points of the detected marker's outline. | FLARMarker | ||
_flarSource : IFLARSource | FLARMarker | ||
matrix2D : Matrix [read-only]
Return the transformation matrix of this FLARMarker as a Flash Matrix object,
for applying 2D transformations to Flash DisplayObject instances. | FLARMarker | ||
matrix3D : Matrix3D [read-only]
Return this.transformMatrix, adjusted for application directly to a DisplayObject
(by setting displayObject.transform.matrix3D = flarMarker.matrix3D). | FLARMarker | ||
motionDirection2D : Number [read-only]
The direction (in degrees) of the marker's (x,y) motion
between the previous and current frames. | FLARMarker | ||
motionSpeed2D : Number [read-only]
The length of the marker's (x,y) motion vector
between the previous and current frames. | FLARMarker | ||
_patternId : int | FLARMarker | ||
patternId : int [read-only]
ID of this FLARMarker's pattern. | FLARMarker | ||
position : Vector3D [read-only]
A Vector3D instance that describes x, y, and z coordinates,
as well as rotationZ (stored as position.w). | FLARMarker | ||
rotationSpeedX : Number [read-only]
The amount of change (in degrees) in the marker's rotation along the x-axis
between the previous and current frames. | FLARMarker | ||
rotationSpeedY : Number [read-only]
The amount of change (in degrees) in the marker's rotation along the y-axis
between the previous and current frames. | FLARMarker | ||
rotationSpeedZ : Number [read-only]
The amount of change (in degrees) in the marker's rotation along the z-axis
between the previous and current frames. | FLARMarker | ||
rotationX : Number [read-only]
The rotation of the marker along X axis. | FLARMarker | ||
rotationY : Number [read-only]
The rotation of the marker along Y axis. | FLARMarker | ||
rotationZ : Number [read-only]
The rotation of the marker along Z axis. | FLARMarker | ||
scale2D : Number [read-only]
The scale of the marker for use in 2D applications. | FLARMarker | ||
_sessionId : int = -1 | FLARMarker | ||
sessionId : uint [read-only]
ID unique to this FLARMarker in this session. | FLARMarker | ||
targetCenterpoint3D : Point [read-only]
The centerpoint at the location toward which this FLARMarker is moving
(target location at end of smoothing animation). | FLARMarker | ||
targetPosition : Vector3D [read-only]
The position toward which this FLARMarker is moving
(target position at end of smoothing animation). | FLARMarker | ||
_transformMatrix : Matrix3D | FLARMarker | ||
transformMatrix : Matrix3D [read-only]
A Matrix3D object that describes the orientation of the detected marker relative to the viewer. | FLARMarker | ||
_vector3D : Vector3D = null | FLARMarker | ||
velocity : Vector3D [read-only]
A Vector3D instance that describes change between the previous and current frames
in x, y, and z coordinates, as well as change in rotationZ (stored as velocity.w). | FLARMarker | ||
x : Number [read-only]
The 2D X coordinate of the marker. | FLARMarker | ||
y : Number [read-only]
The 2D Y coordinate of the marker. | FLARMarker | ||
z : Number [read-only]
The Z coordinate of the marker. | FLARMarker |
Property | Defined By | ||
_corners : Vector.<Point> | FLARMarker |
Method | Defined By | ||
FLARMarker(patternId:int, transformMatrix:Matrix3D, flarSource:IFLARSource)
Constructor. | FLARMarker | ||
Copy the properties of a FLARMarker into this FLARMarker. | FLARMarker | ||
Free this FLARMarker instance for garbage collection. | FLARMarker | ||
toString():String | FLARMarker |
Method | Defined By | ||
mirror():void | FLARMarker | ||
resetAllCalculations():void | FLARMarker |
Constant | Defined By | ||
DEFAULT_UNSCALED_MARKER_WIDTH : Number = 80 [static] | FLARMarker |
_centerpoint2D | property |
public var _centerpoint2D:Point = null
_centerpoint3D | property |
public var _centerpoint3D:Point = null
_corners | property |
protected var _corners:Vector.<Point>
_flarSource | property |
public var _flarSource:IFLARSource
_patternId | property |
public var _patternId:int
_sessionId | property |
public var _sessionId:int = -1
_transformMatrix | property |
public var _transformMatrix:Matrix3D
_vector3D | property |
public var _vector3D:Vector3D = null
centerpoint | property |
The centerpoint of the marker outline in the 2D space of the screen,
calculated as the average of the outline's four corner points.
To access the centerpoint reported by the tracker in three dimensions,
use FLARMarker.centerpoint3D
public function get centerpoint():Point
centerpoint3D | property |
Centerpoint of marker outline extracted from the tracker transformation matrix.
This centerpoint is determined based on the 3D location of the detected marker,
and is used by FLARManager in 3D calculations.
To avoid having to correct for Z location, use centerpoint2D
TODO: return a Vector3D with (x,y,z) coords.
update accordingly in FLARManager.
public function get centerpoint3D():Point
corners | property |
[read-only] A Vector of four Points that describe the four points of the detected marker's outline.
public function get corners():Vector.<Point>
matrix2D | property |
Return the transformation matrix of this FLARMarker as a Flash Matrix object,
for applying 2D transformations to Flash DisplayObject instances.
To apply to a DisplayObject, set displayObject.transform.matrix = flarMarker.matrix2D
public function get matrix2D():Matrix
matrix3D | property |
Return this.transformMatrix, adjusted for application directly to a DisplayObject
(by setting displayObject.transform.matrix3D = flarMarker.matrix3D
public function get matrix3D():Matrix3D
motionDirection2D | property |
[read-only] The direction (in degrees) of the marker's (x,y) motion between the previous and current frames.
public function get motionDirection2D():Number
motionSpeed2D | property |
[read-only] The length of the marker's (x,y) motion vector between the previous and current frames.
public function get motionSpeed2D():Number
patternId | property |
[read-only] ID of this FLARMarker's pattern.
public function get patternId():int
position | property |
A Vector3D instance that describes x, y, and z coordinates,
as well as rotationZ (stored as position.w
public function get position():Vector3D
rotationSpeedX | property |
[read-only] The amount of change (in degrees) in the marker's rotation along the x-axis between the previous and current frames.
public function get rotationSpeedX():Number
rotationSpeedY | property |
[read-only] The amount of change (in degrees) in the marker's rotation along the y-axis between the previous and current frames.
public function get rotationSpeedY():Number
rotationSpeedZ | property |
[read-only] The amount of change (in degrees) in the marker's rotation along the z-axis between the previous and current frames.
public function get rotationSpeedZ():Number
rotationX | property |
[read-only] The rotation of the marker along X axis.
public function get rotationX():Number
rotationY | property |
[read-only] The rotation of the marker along Y axis.
public function get rotationY():Number
rotationZ | property |
[read-only] The rotation of the marker along Z axis.
public function get rotationZ():Number
scale2D | property |
[read-only] The scale of the marker for use in 2D applications.
public function get scale2D():Number
sessionId | property |
[read-only] ID unique to this FLARMarker in this session. No two FLARMarker in a session share the same sessionId.
public function get sessionId():uint
targetCenterpoint3D | property |
[read-only] The centerpoint at the location toward which this FLARMarker is moving (target location at end of smoothing animation). TODO: return a Vector3D with (x,y,z) coords. update accordingly in FLARManager.
public function get targetCenterpoint3D():Point
targetPosition | property |
[read-only] The position toward which this FLARMarker is moving (target position at end of smoothing animation).
public function get targetPosition():Vector3D
transformMatrix | property |
[read-only] A Matrix3D object that describes the orientation of the detected marker relative to the viewer. Apply this Matrix3D to a 3D model to make it appear tethered to the marker.
public function get transformMatrix():Matrix3D
velocity | property |
A Vector3D instance that describes change between the previous and current frames
in x, y, and z coordinates, as well as change in rotationZ (stored as velocity.w
public function get velocity():Vector3D
x | property |
[read-only] The 2D X coordinate of the marker.
public function get x():Number
y | property |
[read-only] The 2D Y coordinate of the marker.
public function get y():Number
z | property |
[read-only] The Z coordinate of the marker.
public function get z():Number
FLARMarker | () | Constructor |
public function FLARMarker(patternId:int, transformMatrix:Matrix3D, flarSource:IFLARSource)
ParameterspatternId:int — ID of the pattern of the detected marker.
| |
transformMatrix:Matrix3D — A Matrix3D object that describes the orientation of the detected marker relative to the viewer.
Apply this Matrix3D to a 3D model to make it appear tethered to the marker.
| |
flarSource:IFLARSource — The IFLARSource from which the marker's image was extracted by the current tracker.
ageAfterRemoval | () | method |
flarManagerInternal function ageAfterRemoval():uint
Returnsuint |
applySmoothing | () | method |
flarManagerInternal function applySmoothing(smoother:IFLARMatrixSmoother, numFrames:int, adaptiveSmoothingCenter:Number):void
apply smoothing algorithm over a number of frames. called by FLARManager as part of marker tracking/maintenance process.
smoother:IFLARMatrixSmoother — IFLARMatrixSmoother to use
| |
numFrames:int — number of frames over which to smooth
| |
adaptiveSmoothingCenter:Number — adaptiveSmoothingCenter |
See also
copy | () | method |
public function copy(otherMarker:FLARMarker):void
Copy the properties of a FLARMarker into this FLARMarker. FLARMarkers are updated across frames by copying the properties of newly-detected markers.
otherMarker:FLARMarker |
dispose | () | method |
public function dispose():void
Free this FLARMarker instance for garbage collection.
mirror | () | method |
protected function mirror():void
resetAllCalculations | () | method |
protected function resetAllCalculations():void
resetRemovalAge | () | method |
flarManagerInternal function resetRemovalAge():void
setSessionId | () | method |
flarManagerInternal function setSessionId():void
toString | () | method |
public function toString():String
ReturnsString |
public static const DEFAULT_UNSCALED_MARKER_WIDTH:Number = 80