A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
c — Property, class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.types.NyARLinear |
| |
calcMatrix3DRotations(mat:flash.geom:Matrix3D, bInDegrees:Boolean, bMirrorHorizontal:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.transmote.flar.utils.geom.FLARGeomUtils |
Calculate rotation around X, Y, and Z axes,
and return stored in a Vector3D instance. |
calcNyARMatrixRotations(mat:jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.types.matrix:NyARDoubleMatrix34, bInDegrees:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.transmote.flar.utils.geom.FLARToolkitGeomUtils |
Calculate rotation around X, Y, and Z axes,
and return stored in a Vector3D instance. |
calcNyARMatrixScales(mat:jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.types.matrix:NyARDoubleMatrix34) — Static Method , class com.transmote.flar.utils.geom.FLARToolkitGeomUtils |
Calculate scale in X, Y, and Z dimensions,
and return stored in a Vector3D instance. |
calcProjectionMatrix_Alternativa(cameraParams:org.libspark.flartoolkit.core.param:FLARParam, viewportSize:flash.geom:Rectangle) — Static Method , class com.transmote.flar.utils.geom.FLARToolkitGeomUtils |
Convert FLARToolkit projection matrix to data that can be used
by Alternativa to determine scene projection,
in order to draw 3D models in correct perspective. |
calcProjectionMatrix_Alternativa(projectionMatrix:flash.geom:Matrix3D, viewportSize:flash.geom:Rectangle) — Static Method , class com.transmote.flar.utils.geom.FlareGeomUtils |
Convert Flare projection matrix to data that can be used
by Alternativa to determine scene projection,
in order to draw 3D models in correct perspective. |
calcProjectionMatrix_Away(cameraParams:org.libspark.flartoolkit.core.param:FLARParam, viewportSize:flash.geom:Rectangle) — Static Method , class com.transmote.flar.utils.geom.FLARToolkitGeomUtils |
Convert FLARToolkit projection matrix to data that can be used
by Away3D to determine scene projection,
in order to draw 3D models in correct perspective. |
calcProjectionMatrix_Away(projectionMatrix:flash.geom:Matrix3D, viewportSize:flash.geom:Rectangle, zoom:Number, focus:Number) — Static Method , class com.transmote.flar.utils.geom.FlareGeomUtils |
Convert Flare projection matrix to data that can be used
by Away3D to determine scene projection,
in order to draw 3D models in correct perspective. |
calcProjectionMatrix_AwayLite(cameraParams:org.libspark.flartoolkit.core.param:FLARParam, viewportSize:flash.geom:Rectangle) — Static Method , class com.transmote.flar.utils.geom.FLARToolkitGeomUtils |
Convert FLARToolkit projection matrix to data that can be used
by Away3D Lite to determine scene projection,
in order to draw 3D models in correct perspective. |
calcProjectionMatrix_AwayLite(projectionMatrix:flash.geom:Matrix3D, viewportSize:flash.geom:Rectangle) — Static Method , class com.transmote.flar.utils.geom.FlareGeomUtils |
Convert Flare projection matrix to data that can be used
by Away3D Lite to determine scene projection,
in order to draw 3D models in correct perspective. |
calcProjectionMatrix_Flash(cameraParams:org.libspark.flartoolkit.core.param:FLARParam, viewportSize:flash.geom:Rectangle) — Static Method , class com.transmote.flar.utils.geom.FLARToolkitGeomUtils |
Convert FLARToolkit projection matrix to data that can be used
by native Flash 3D to determine scene projection,
in order to draw 3D models in correct perspective. |
calcProjectionMatrix_Flash(projectionMatrix:flash.geom:Matrix3D, viewportSize:flash.geom:Rectangle) — Static Method , class com.transmote.flar.utils.geom.FlareGeomUtils |
Convert Flare projection matrix to data that can be used
by native Flash 3D to determine scene projection,
in order to draw 3D models in correct perspective. |
calcProjectionMatrix_Papervision(cameraParams:org.libspark.flartoolkit.core.param:FLARParam, viewportSize:flash.geom:Rectangle) — Static Method , class com.transmote.flar.utils.geom.FLARToolkitGeomUtils |
Convert FLARToolkit projection matrix to data that can be used
by Papervision3D to determine scene projection,
in order to draw 3D models in correct perspective. |
calcProjectionMatrix_Papervision(projectionMatrix:flash.geom:Matrix3D, viewportSize:flash.geom:Rectangle) — Static Method , class com.transmote.flar.utils.geom.FlareGeomUtils |
Convert Flare projection matrix to data that can be used
by Papervision3D to determine scene projection,
in order to draw 3D models in correct perspective. |
calcProjectionMatrix_Sandy(cameraParams:org.libspark.flartoolkit.core.param:FLARParam, viewportSize:flash.geom:Rectangle, NEAR_CLIP:Number, FAR_CLIP:Number) — Static Method , class com.transmote.flar.utils.geom.FLARToolkitGeomUtils |
Convert FLARToolkit projection matrix to data that can be used
by Sandy3D to determine scene projection,
in order to draw 3D models in correct perspective. |
calcProjectionMatrix_Sandy(projectionMatrix:flash.geom:Matrix3D, viewportSize:flash.geom:Rectangle, NEAR_CLIP:Number, FAR_CLIP:Number) — Static Method , class com.transmote.flar.utils.geom.FlareGeomUtils |
Convert Flare projection matrix to data that can be used
by Sandy3D to determine scene projection,
in order to draw 3D models in correct perspective. |
calculateThreshold(source:flash.display:BitmapData, currentThreshold:Number) — method, class com.transmote.flar.utils.threshold.DrunkHistogramThresholdAdapter |
Calculate a new threshold. |
calculateThreshold(source:flash.display:BitmapData, currentThreshold:Number) — method, class com.transmote.flar.utils.threshold.DrunkWalkThresholdAdapter |
Calculate a new threshold. |
calculateThreshold(source:flash.display:BitmapData, currentThreshold:Number) — method, class com.transmote.flar.utils.threshold.HistogramThresholdAdapter |
Calculate a new threshold. |
calculateThreshold(source:flash.display:BitmapData, currentThreshold:Number) — method, interface com.transmote.flar.utils.threshold.IThresholdAdapter |
Calculate a new threshold. |
calculateThreshold(source:flash.display:BitmapData, currentThreshold:Number) — method, class com.transmote.flar.utils.threshold.IntegralImageThresholdAdapter |
IntegralImageThresholdAdapter directly modifies the source Bitmap data,
and passes -1 for the threshold, to prohibit the tracker from applying its own thresholding. |
cameraIndex — Property, class com.transmote.flar.source.FLARCameraSource |
The index, in Camera.names, of the active camera. |
cameraParamsFile — Property, class com.transmote.flar.tracker.FlareManager |
| |
cancel() — method, class com.transmote.utils.time.Timeout |
Cancel the Timeout and remove all references to the Function and optional parameters,
freeing up this Timeout for garbage collection. |
cancelAllTimeouts() — Static Method , class com.transmote.utils.time.Timeout |
Cancel all currently-active Timeouts. |
centerpoint — Property, class com.transmote.flar.marker.FLARMarker |
The centerpoint of the marker outline in the 2D space of the screen,
calculated as the average of the outline's four corner points. |
_centerpoint2D — Property, class com.transmote.flar.marker.FLARMarker |
| |
_centerpoint3D — Property, class com.transmote.flar.marker.FLARMarker |
| |
centerpoint3D — Property, class com.transmote.flar.marker.FLARMarker |
Centerpoint of marker outline extracted from the tracker transformation matrix. |
changeScale(i_scale:Number) — method, class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.param.NyARCameraDistortionFactor |
| |
changeScale(i_scale:Number) — method, class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.param.NyARPerspectiveProjectionMatrix |
int arParamChangeSize( ARParam ource, int xsize, int ysize, ARParam ewparam );
changeScreenSize(i_xsize:int, i_ysize:int) — method, class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.param.NyARParam |
int arParamChangeSize( ARParam ource, int xsize, int ysize, ARParam ewparam );
関数の代替関数 サイズプロパティをi_xsize,i_ysizeに変更します。
check(i_label:jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.labeling:NyARLabelInfo) — method, class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.labeling.NyARLabelOverlapChecker |
checkRotation(io_vec1:jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.transmat.rotmatrix:NyARRotVector, io_vec2:jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.transmat.rotmatrix:NyARRotVector) — Static Method , class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.transmat.rotmatrix.NyARRotVector |
int check_rotation( double rot[2][3] )
checkVectorByVertex(i_start_vertex:jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.types:NyARDoublePoint2d, i_end_vertex:jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.types:NyARDoublePoint2d) — method, class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.transmat.rotmatrix.NyARRotVector |
static int check_dir( double dir[3], double st[2], double ed[2],double cpara[3][4] ) Optimize:STEP[526->468]
clear() — method, class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.labeling.NyARLabelInfoStack |
clear() — method, class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.types.stack.NyARObjectStack |
clip_b — Property, class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.labeling.NyARLabelInfo |
| |
clip_l — Property, class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.labeling.NyARLabelInfo |
| |
clip_r — Property, class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.labeling.NyARLabelInfo |
| |
clip_t — Property, class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.labeling.NyARLabelInfo |
| |
clone() — method, class com.transmote.flar.marker.FLARMarkerEvent |
| |
_code_patt — Property, class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.match.NyARMatchPatt_Color_WITHOUT_PCA |
| |
com.transmote.flar — package |
| |
com.transmote.flar.camera — package |
| |
com.transmote.flar.marker — package |
| |
com.transmote.flar.pattern — package |
| |
com.transmote.flar.source — package |
| |
com.transmote.flar.tracker — package |
| |
com.transmote.flar.utils — package |
| |
com.transmote.flar.utils.geom — package |
| |
com.transmote.flar.utils.smoother — package |
| |
com.transmote.flar.utils.threshold — package |
| |
com.transmote.utils.geom — package |
| |
com.transmote.utils.time — package |
| |
com.transmote.utils.ui — package |
| |
_confidence — Property, class com.transmote.flar.marker.FLARToolkitMarker |
| |
confidence — Property, class com.transmote.flar.marker.FLARToolkitMarker |
'Confidence' is a value assigned by FLARToolkit to each detected marker,
that describes the algorithm's perceived accuracy of the pattern match. |
confidence — Property, class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.match.NyARMatchPattResult |
| |
CONFIG_FILE_LOADED — Constant Static Property, class com.transmote.flar.utils.FLARManagerConfigLoader |
| |
CONFIG_FILE_PARSED — Constant Static Property, class com.transmote.flar.utils.FLARManagerConfigLoader |
| |
convertFlareData2D(data2D:flash.utils:ByteArray, mirroredSourceWidth:Number) — Static Method , class com.transmote.flar.utils.geom.FlareGeomUtils |
Convert Flare corner data (from FlareTracker.getTrackerResults2D)
into a Vector of four Points. |
convertFlareMatrixToFlashMatrix(matDataIn:flash.utils:ByteArray, bMirror:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.transmote.flar.utils.geom.FlareGeomUtils |
Convert Flare matrix data (ByteArray) to a Flash Matrix3D. |
convertMatrixToAlternativaMatrix(mat:flash.geom:Matrix3D, bMirror:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.transmote.flar.utils.geom.AlternativaGeomUtils |
Convert a native flash Matrix3D to an Alternativa3D matrix. |
convertMatrixToAwayMatrix(mat:flash.geom:Matrix3D) — Static Method , class com.transmote.flar.utils.geom.AwayGeomUtils |
Convert a native flash Matrix3D to an Away3D-formatted Matrix3D. |
convertMatrixToPVMatrix(mat:flash.geom:Matrix3D, bMirror:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.transmote.flar.utils.geom.PVGeomUtils |
Convert a native flash Matrix3D to a Papvervision3D matrix. |
convertMatrixToSandyMatrix(mat:flash.geom:Matrix3D, bMirror:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.transmote.flar.utils.geom.SandyGeomUtils |
Convert a native flash Matrix3D to a Sandy3D matrix. |
convertNyARMatrixToFlashMatrix3D(mat:jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.types.matrix:NyARDoubleMatrix34, bMirror:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.transmote.flar.utils.geom.FLARToolkitGeomUtils |
Convert a FLAR matrix to a Flash Matrix3D. |
coord2Line(i_st:int, i_ed:int, i_xcoord:Vector$int, i_ycoord:Vector$int, i_cood_num:int, o_line:jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.types:NyARLinear) — method, class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.squaredetect.NyARCoord2Linear |
copy(otherMarker:com.transmote.flar.marker:FLARMarker) — method, class com.transmote.flar.marker.FLARMarker |
Copy the properties of a FLARMarker into this FLARMarker. |
copy(otherMarker:com.transmote.flar.marker:FLARMarker) — method, class com.transmote.flar.marker.FLARToolkitMarker |
Copy the properties of a FLARMarker into this FLARMarker. |
copy(src:Array, srcPos:int, dest:Array, destPos:int, length:int) — Static Method , class org.libspark.flartoolkit.utils.ArrayUtil |
| |
copyArray(i_from:Vector$jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.types:NyARIntPoint2d, i_to:Vector$jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.types:NyARIntPoint2d) — Static Method , class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.types.NyARIntPoint2d |
| |
copyFrom(i_ref:jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.param:NyARCameraDistortionFactor) — method, class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.param.NyARCameraDistortionFactor |
| |
copyFrom(i_source:jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.types:NyARLinear) — method, class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.types.NyARLinear |
| |
copyInt(src:Vector$int, srcPos:int, dest:Vector$int, destPos:int, length:int) — Static Method , class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.utils.as3.ArrayUtils |
| |
_corners — Property, class com.transmote.flar.marker.FLARMarker |
| |
corners — Property, class com.transmote.flar.marker.FLARMarker |
A Vector of four Points that describe the four points of the detected marker's outline. |
create2d(height:int, width:int) — Static Method , class org.libspark.flartoolkit.utils.ArrayUtil |
| |
create2dInt(height:int, width:int) — Static Method , class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.utils.as3.ArrayUtils |
| |
create2dNumber(height:int, width:int) — Static Method , class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.utils.as3.ArrayUtils |
| |
create3d(depth:int, height:int, width:int) — Static Method , class org.libspark.flartoolkit.utils.ArrayUtil |
| |
createArray(i_length:int) — method, class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.labeling.NyARLabelInfoStack |
| |
createArray(i_length:int) — method, class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.labeling.NyARLabelOverlapChecker |
| |
createArray(i_length:int) — method, class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.labeling.rlelabeling.NyARRleLabelFragmentInfoStack |
| |
createArray(i_number:int) — Static Method , class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.transmat.NyARRectOffset |
| |
createArray(i_number:int) — Static Method , class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.types.NyARDoublePoint2d |
createArray(i_number:int) — Static Method , class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.types.NyARDoublePoint3d |
createArray(i_number:int) — Static Method , class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.types.NyARIntPoint2d |
createArray(i_number:int) — Static Method , class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.types.NyARLinear |
| |
createArray(i_number:int) — Static Method , class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.types.matrix.NyARDoubleMatrix33 |
| |
createArray(i_length:int) — method, class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.types.stack.NyARObjectStack |
createJaggedArray(len:int, ... rest) — Static Method , class org.libspark.flartoolkit.utils.ArrayUtil |
| |
createLineByPointAngleLength(pt:flash.geom:Point, angleInRadians:Number, length:Number) — Static Method , class com.transmote.utils.geom.Line |
returns the Line from a starting point, of a given angle and length. |
createLineByPoints(pt1:flash.geom:Point, pt2:flash.geom:Point) — Static Method , class com.transmote.utils.geom.Line |
returns the Line defined by two Points. |
crossPos(l_line_i:jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.types:NyARLinear, l_line_2:jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.types:NyARLinear, o_point:jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.types:NyARDoublePoint2d) — Static Method , class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.types.NyARLinear |
cubeRoot(i_in:Number) — Static Method , class jp.nyatla.nyartoolkit.as3.core.utils.NyARMath |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |