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_unscaledMarkerWidth — Property in class com.transmote.flar.pattern.FLARPattern
unscaledMarkerWidth — Property in class com.transmote.flar.pattern.FLARPattern
the width of a marker (in pixels) on-screen at which the scale of its transformation matrix is 1.0.
unscaledMarkerWidths — Property in class com.transmote.flar.pattern.FLARPatternLoader
return unscaled marker widths, for use by FLARMultiMarkerDetector.
update() — Method in class com.transmote.flar.source.FLARCameraSource
update the BitmapData source.
update() — Method in class com.transmote.flar.source.FLARLoaderSource
update the BitmapData source used for analysis.
update() — Method in interface com.transmote.flar.source.IFLARSource
update the BitmapData source.
update() — Method in class com.transmote.flar.utils.FLARProxy
FLARProxy updates on mouse interaction; method is here only for compliance with IFLARSource.
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