Documentation for classes includes syntax, usage information, and code samples for methods, properties, and event handlers and listeners for those APIs that belong to a specific class in ActionScript. The classes are listed alphabetically. If you are not sure to which class a certain method or property belongs, you can look it up in the Index.

com.transmote.flar.source use the contents of a Camera feed as a source image for FLARToolkit marker detection.
com.transmote.flar.utils collection of utils used for FLAR matrix transformation / conversion.
com.transmote.flar.source use the contents of a Loader as a source image for FLARToolkit marker detection.
com.transmote.flar manager for computer vision applications using FLARToolkit (
com.transmote.flar.marker container for information about a detected marker, including: - pattern and session ids; - centerpoint of marker; - corners of marker outline - Vector3D instance that describes x, y, and z location, and rotation (in the z-axis) of marker; - rotation of marker around x, y, and z axes.
com.transmote.flar.marker event with notification of a change in an active FLARMarker.
com.transmote.flar.marker wrapper for FLARSquare that provides: - centerpoint of marker; - Vector3D instance that describes x, y, and z location, and rotation (in the z-axis) of marker; - rotation of marker around x, y, and z axes; - a more accurately descriptive name.
com.transmote.flar.pattern wrapper for all information needed by FLARToolkit to track an individual marker.
com.transmote.flar.pattern manages loading FLARPatterns and instantiating corresponding FLARCodes.
com.transmote.flar.utils FLARProxy provides a way to test FLARToolkit applications with a mouse and keyboard.
com.transmote.flar.source interface that defines a means of updating and accessing a BitmapData instance to be analyzed by FLARToolkit's marker detection.