package org.papervision3d.core.proto { import flash.geom.Rectangle; import org.papervision3d.Papervision3D; import org.papervision3d.core.culling.IObjectCuller; import org.papervision3d.core.log.PaperLogger; import org.papervision3d.core.math.Matrix3D; import org.papervision3d.core.math.Number3D; import; import org.papervision3d.objects.DisplayObject3D; /** * The CameraObject3D class is the base class for all the cameras that can be placed in a scene. *

* A camera defines the view from which a scene will be rendered. Different camera settings would present a scene from different points of view. *

* 3D cameras simulate still-image, motion picture, or video cameras of the real world. When rendering, the scene is drawn as if you were looking through the camera lens. */ public class CameraObject3D extends DisplayObject3D { // __________________________________________________________________________ // /** * This value specifies the scale at which the 3D objects are rendered. Higher values magnify the scene, compressing distance. Use it in conjunction with focus. */ public var zoom :Number; /** * This value is a positive number representing the distance of the observer from the front clipping plane, which is the closest any object can be to the camera. Use it in conjunction with zoom. *

* Higher focus values tend to magnify distance between objects while allowing greater depth of field, as if the camera had a wider lenses. One result of using a wide angle lens in proximity to the subject is an apparent perspective distortion: parallel lines may appear to converge and with a fisheye lens, straight edges will appear to bend. *

* Different lenses generally require a different camera to subject distance to preserve the size of a subject. Changing the angle of view can indirectly distort perspective, modifying the apparent relative size of the subject and foreground. */ public var focus :Number; /** * A Boolean value that determines whether the 3D objects are z-depth sorted between themselves when rendering. */ public var sort :Boolean; /** * */ public var eye :Matrix3D; /** * */ public var viewport :Rectangle; /** * */ public var culler :IObjectCuller; /** * */ public var yUP:Boolean; /** * The default position for new cameras. */ public static var DEFAULT_POS :Number3D = new Number3D( 0, 0, -1000 ); /** * The default UP vector for new cameras. */ public static var DEFAULT_UP:Number3D = new Number3D(0, 1, 0); /** * The default viewport for new cameras. */ public static var DEFAULT_VIEWPORT:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 550, 400); // __________________________________________________________________________ // N E W // NN NN EEEEEE WW WW // NNN NN EE WW WW WW // NNNNNN EEEE WWWWWWWW // NN NNN EE WWW WWW // NN NN EEEEEE WW WW /** * The CameraObject3D constructor lets you create cameras for setting up the view from which a scene will be rendered. * * @param focus This value is a positive number representing the distance of the observer from the front clipping plane, which is the closest any object can be to the camera. Use it in conjunction with zoom. *

* @param zoom This value specifies the scale at which the 3D objects are rendered. Higher values magnify the scene, compressing distance. Use it in conjunction with focus. *

*/ public function CameraObject3D( focus:Number=500, zoom:Number=3 ) { super(); this.x = DEFAULT_POS.x; this.y = DEFAULT_POS.y; this.z = DEFAULT_POS.z; this.zoom = zoom; this.focus = focus; this.eye = Matrix3D.IDENTITY; this.viewport = DEFAULT_VIEWPORT; this.sort = true; _ortho = false; _orthoScaleMatrix = Matrix3D.scaleMatrix(1, 1, 1); if(Papervision3D.useRIGHTHANDED) { DEFAULT_UP.y = -1; this.yUP = false; this.lookAt(DisplayObject3D.ZERO); } else this.yUP = true; } /** * Lookat. * * @param targetObject * @param upAxis */ public override function lookAt(targetObject:DisplayObject3D, upAxis:Number3D=null):void { if(this.yUP) { super.lookAt(targetObject, upAxis); } else { super.lookAt(targetObject, upAxis || DEFAULT_UP); } } /** * Orbits the camera around the specified target. If no target is specified the * camera's #target property is used. If this camera's #target property equals null * the camera orbits the origin (0, 0, 0). * * @param pitch Rotation around X=axis (looking up or down). * @param yaw Rotation around Y-axis (looking left or right). * @param useDegrees Whether to use degrees for pitch and yaw (defaults to 'true'). * @param target An optional target to orbit around. */ public function orbit(pitch:Number, yaw:Number, useDegrees:Boolean=true, target:DisplayObject3D=null):void { } /** * Projects vertices. * * @param object * @param renderSessionData */ public function projectVertices(object:DisplayObject3D, renderSessionData:RenderSessionData):Number { return 0; } // ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ // T R A N S F O R M // TTTTTT RRRRR AA NN NN SSSSS FFFFFF OOOO RRRRR MM MM // TT RR RR AAAA NNN NN SS FF OO OO RR RR MMM MMM // TT RRRRR AA AA NNNNNN SSSS FFFF OO OO RRRRR MMMMMMM // TT RR RR AAAAAA NN NNN SS FF OO OO RR RR MM M MM // TT RR RR AA AA NN NN SSSSS FF OOOO RR RR MM MM /** * [internal-use] Transforms world coordinates into camera space. */ // TODO: OPTIMIZE (LOW) Resolve + inline public function transformView( transform:Matrix3D=null ):void { if(this.yUP) { eye.calculateMultiply(transform || this.transform, _flipY ); eye.invert(); } else { eye.calculateInverse(transform || this.transform); } } static private var _flipY :Matrix3D = Matrix3D.scaleMatrix( 1, -1, 1 ); /** * Rotate the camera in its vertical plane. *

* Tilting the camera results in a motion similar to someone nodding their head "yes". * * @param angle Angle to tilt the camera. */ public function tilt( angle:Number ):void { //if(!_target) // super.pitch( angle ); } /** * Rotate the camera in its horizontal plane. *

* Panning the camera results in a motion similar to someone shaking their head "no". * * @param angle Angle to pan the camera. */ public function pan( angle:Number ):void { // if(_target) // super.yaw( angle ); } /** * Unproject. * * @param mX * @param mY */ public function unproject(mX:Number, mY:Number):Number3D { var persp:Number = (focus*zoom) / (focus); var vector:Number3D = new Number3D(mX/persp, -mY/persp, focus); Matrix3D.multiplyVector3x3(transform, vector); return vector; } /** * Sets the vertical Field Of View in degrees. * * @param degrees */ public function set fov(degrees:Number):void { if(!viewport || viewport.isEmpty()) { PaperLogger.warning("CameraObject3D#viewport not set, can't set fov!"); return; } var tx :Number = 0; var ty :Number = 0; var tz :Number = 0; if(_target) { tx =; ty =; tz =; } var vx :Number = this.x - tx; var vy :Number = this.y - ty; var vz :Number = this.z - tz; var h:Number = viewport.height / 2; var d:Number = Math.sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz) + this.focus; var r:Number = 180 / Math.PI; var vfov:Number = (degrees/2) * (Math.PI/180); this.focus = (h / Math.tan(vfov)) / this.zoom; } /** * Gets the vertical Field Of View in degrees. */ public function get fov():Number { if(!viewport || viewport.isEmpty()) { PaperLogger.warning("CameraObject3D#viewport not set, can't calculate fov!"); return NaN; } var tx :Number = 0; var ty :Number = 0; var tz :Number = 0; if(_target) { tx =; ty =; tz =; } var vx :Number = this.x - tx; var vy :Number = this.y - ty; var vz :Number = this.z - tz; var f :Number = this.focus; var z :Number = this.zoom; var d :Number = Math.sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz) + f; // distance along camera's z-axis var h :Number = viewport.height / 2; var r :Number = (180/Math.PI); return Math.atan((((d / f) / z) * h) / d) * r * 2; } /** * Gets the distance to the far plane. */ public function get far():Number { return _far; } /** * Sets the distance to the far plane. * * @param value */ public function set far(value:Number):void { if(value > this.focus) { _far = value; } } /** * Gets the distance to the near plane (note that this simply is an alias for #focus). */ public function get near():Number { return this.focus; } /** * Sets the distance to the near plane (note that this is simply an alias for #focus). * * @param value */ public function set near(value:Number):void { if(value > 0) { this.focus = value; } } /** * Gets the target for this camera, if any. * * @return DisplayObject3D */ public function get target():DisplayObject3D { return _target; } /** * Sets the target for this camera. * * @param object A DisplayObject3D */ public function set target(object:DisplayObject3D):void { _target = object; } /** * Whether this camera uses culling. * * @return Boolean */ public function get useCulling():Boolean { return _useCulling; } /** * Whether this camera uses culling. */ public function set useCulling(value:Boolean):void { _useCulling = value; } /** * Whether this camera uses a projection matrix. * * @return Boolean */ public function get useProjectionMatrix():Boolean { return _useProjectionMatrix; } /** * Whether this camera uses a projection matrix. */ public function set useProjectionMatrix(value:Boolean):void { _useProjectionMatrix = value; } /** * Whether the camera uses orthographic projection. */ public function get ortho():Boolean { return _ortho; } /** * Whether the camera uses orthographic projection. */ public function set ortho(value:Boolean):void { _ortho = value; } /** * The scale of projection when in orthographic mode. */ public function get orthoScale():Number { return _orthoScale; } /** * The scale of projection when in orthographic mode. */ public function set orthoScale(value:Number):void { _orthoScale = value > 0 ? value : 0.0001; _orthoScaleMatrix.n11 = _orthoScale; _orthoScaleMatrix.n22 = _orthoScale; _orthoScaleMatrix.n33 = _orthoScale; } protected var _useCulling : Boolean; protected var _useProjectionMatrix : Boolean; protected var _ortho : Boolean; protected var _orthoScale : Number = 1; protected var _orthoScaleMatrix : Matrix3D; protected var _target : DisplayObject3D; protected var _far : Number; } }