package org.papervision3d.lights
	import org.papervision3d.core.math.Number3D;
	import org.papervision3d.core.proto.LightObject3D;
	public class PointLight3D extends LightObject3D
		public static var DEFAULT_POS:Number3D = new Number3D( 0, 0, -1000 );
		 * Constructor.
		 * @param	showLight	A Boolean value indicating whether the light is visible.
		 * @param	flipped		A Boolean value indicating whether to flip the light-direction (needed for correct DAE-shading).
		public function PointLight3D(showLight:Boolean = false, flipped:Boolean = false)
			super(showLight, flipped);
			x = DEFAULT_POS.x;
			y = DEFAULT_POS.y;
			z = DEFAULT_POS.z;