package org.papervision3d.objects.parsers { import; import; import; import; import; import flash.utils.ByteArray; import flash.utils.Endian; import flash.utils.getTimer; import org.papervision3d.core.animation.*; import*; import org.papervision3d.core.geom.TriangleMesh3D; import org.papervision3d.core.geom.renderables.*; import org.papervision3d.core.log.PaperLogger; import org.papervision3d.core.math.NumberUV; import org.papervision3d.core.proto.MaterialObject3D; import; import; import org.papervision3d.objects.DisplayObject3D; /** * Loads Quake 2 MD2 file with animation! * </p>Please feel free to use, but please mention me!</p> * * @author Philippe Ajoux ( adapted by Tim Knip(tim.knip at * @website * @version 04.11.07:11:56 */ public class MD2 extends TriangleMesh3D implements IAnimationDataProvider, IAnimatable { /** * Variables used in the loading of the file */ private var file:String; private var loader:URLLoader; private var loadScale:Number; /** * MD2 Header data * These are all the variables found in the md2_header_t * C style struct that starts every MD2 file. */ private var ident:int, version:int; private var skinwidth:int, skinheight:int; private var framesize:int; private var num_skins:int, num_vertices:int, num_st:int; private var num_tris:int, num_glcmds:int, num_frames:int; private var offset_skins:int, offset_st:int, offset_tris:int; private var offset_frames:int, offset_glcmds:int, offset_end:int; private var _fps:int; private var _autoPlay:Boolean; /** * Constructor. * * @param autoPlay Whether to start the animation automatically. */ public function MD2(autoPlay:Boolean=true):void { super(null, new Array(), new Array()); _autoPlay = autoPlay; } /** * Plays the animation. * * @param clip Optional clip name. */ public function play(clip:String=null):void { if(clip && _channelByName[clip]) { _currentChannel = _channelByName[clip]; } else if(_channels && _channels.length) { _currentChannel = _channels[0]; } else { _isPlaying = false; PaperLogger.error("[MD2 ERROR] Can't find a animation channel to play!"); return; } _currentTime = getTimer(); _isPlaying = true; } /** * Stops the animation. */ public function stop():void { _isPlaying = false; } /** * Gets the default FPS. */ public function get fps():uint { return _fps; } /** * Gets a animation channel by its name. * * @param name * * @return the found channel. */ public function getAnimationChannelByName(name:String):AbstractChannel3D { return _channelByName[name]; } /** * Gets all animation channels for a target. NOTE: when target is null, 'this' object is used. * * @param target The target to get the channels for. * * @return Array of AnimationChannel3D. */ public function getAnimationChannels(target:DisplayObject3D=null):Array { target = target || this; if(target === this) { return [_channels[0]]; } return null; } /** * Gets animation channels by clip name. * * @param name The clip name * * @return Array of AnimationChannel3D. */ public function getAnimationChannelsByClip(name:String):Array { if(_channelByName[name]) return [_channelByName[name]]; return null; } /** * Loads the MD2. * * @param asset URL or ByteArray * @param material The material for the MD2 * @param fps Frames per second * @param scale Scale */ public function load(asset:*, material:MaterialObject3D = null, fps:int = 6, scale:Number = 1):void { this.loadScale = scale; this._fps = fps; this.visible = false; this.material = material || MaterialObject3D.DEFAULT; if(asset is ByteArray) { this.file = ""; parse(asset as ByteArray); } else { this.file = String(asset); loader = new URLLoader(); loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY; loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadCompleteHandler); loader.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loadProgressHandler); try { loader.load(new URLRequest(this.file)); } catch(e:Error) { PaperLogger.error("error in loading MD2 file (" + this.file + ")"); } } } /** * Project. * * @param parent * @param renderSessionData * * @return Number */ public override function project(parent:DisplayObject3D, renderSessionData:RenderSessionData):Number { if(_isPlaying && _currentChannel) { var secs:Number = _currentTime / 1000; var duration:Number = _currentChannel.duration; var elapsed:Number = (getTimer()/1000) - secs; if(elapsed > duration) { _currentTime = getTimer(); secs = _currentTime / 1000; elapsed = 0; } var time:Number = elapsed / duration; _currentChannel.updateToTime(time); } return super.project(parent, renderSessionData); } /** * <p>Parses the MD2 file. This is actually pretty straight forward. * Only complicated parts (bit convoluded) are the frame loading * and "metaface" loading. Hey, it works, use it =)</p> * * @param data A ByteArray */ private function parse(data:ByteArray):void { var i:int, j:int, uvs:Array = new Array(); var metaface:Object; data.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; _channels = new Array(); _channelByName = new Object(); // Read the header and make sure it is valid MD2 file readMd2Header(data); if (ident != 844121161 || version != 8) throw new Error("error loading MD2 file (" + file + "): Not a valid MD2 file/bad version"); //---Vertice setup // be sure to allocate memory for the vertices to the object for (i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++) geometry.vertices.push(new Vertex3D()); //---UV coordinates data.position = offset_st; for (i = 0; i < num_st; i++) { var uv:NumberUV = new NumberUV(data.readShort() / skinwidth, data.readShort() / skinheight); //uv.u = 1 - uv.u; uv.v = 1 - uv.v; uvs.push(uv); } //---Frame animation data data.position = offset_frames; readFrames(data); //---Faces // make sure to push the faces with allocated vertices to the object! data.position = offset_tris; for (i = 0; i < num_tris; i++) { metaface = {a: data.readUnsignedShort(), b: data.readUnsignedShort(), c: data.readUnsignedShort(), ta: data.readUnsignedShort(), tb: data.readUnsignedShort(), tc: data.readUnsignedShort()}; var v0:Vertex3D = geometry.vertices[metaface.a]; var v1:Vertex3D = geometry.vertices[metaface.b]; var v2:Vertex3D = geometry.vertices[metaface.c]; var uv0:NumberUV = uvs[metaface.ta]; var uv1:NumberUV = uvs[metaface.tb]; var uv2:NumberUV = uvs[]; geometry.faces.push(new Triangle3D(this, [v0, v1, v2], material, [uv0, uv1, uv2])); } geometry.ready = true; visible = true;"Parsed MD2: " + file + "\n vertices:" + geometry.vertices.length + "\n texture vertices:" + uvs.length + "\n faces:" + geometry.faces.length + "\n frames: " + num_frames); dispatchEvent(new FileLoadEvent(FileLoadEvent.LOAD_COMPLETE, this.file)); dispatchEvent(new FileLoadEvent(FileLoadEvent.ANIMATIONS_COMPLETE, this.file)); if(_autoPlay) play(); } /** * Reads in all the frames */ private function readFrames(data:ByteArray):void { var sx:Number, sy:Number, sz:Number; var tx:Number, ty:Number, tz:Number; var verts:Array var i:int, j:int, char:int; var duration:Number = 1 / _fps; var channel:AbstractChannel3D = new MorphChannel3D(this, "all"); var t:uint = 0; var curName:String = "all"; var clip:AbstractChannel3D; var clipPos:int = 0; for (i = 0; i < num_frames; i++) { sx = data.readFloat(); sy = data.readFloat(); sz = data.readFloat(); tx = data.readFloat(); ty = data.readFloat(); tz = data.readFloat(); var frameName:String = ""; for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) if ((char = data.readUnsignedByte()) != 0) frameName += String.fromCharCode(char); var shortName:String = frameName.replace(/\d+/, ""); if(curName != shortName) { if(clip) { _channels.push(clip); _channelByName[] = clip; } clip = new MorphChannel3D(this, shortName); curName = shortName; clipPos = 0; } var vertices:Array = new Array(); // Note, the extra data.position++ in the for loop is there // to skip over a byte that holds the "vertex normal index" for (j = 0; j < num_vertices; j++, data.position++) { var v:Vertex3D = new Vertex3D( ((sx * data.readUnsignedByte()) + tx) * loadScale, ((sy * data.readUnsignedByte()) + ty) * loadScale, ((sz * data.readUnsignedByte()) + tz) * loadScale); if( i == 1 ) { this.geometry.vertices[j].x = v.x; this.geometry.vertices[j].y = v.y; this.geometry.vertices[j].z = v.z; } vertices.push(v); } clip.addKeyFrame(new AnimationKeyFrame3D(frameName, clipPos * duration, vertices)); channel.addKeyFrame(new AnimationKeyFrame3D(frameName, i * duration, vertices)); clipPos++; } _channels.unshift(channel); _channelByName[] = channel; if(clip) { _channels.push(clip); _channelByName[] = clip; } } /** * Reads in all that MD2 Header data that is declared as private variables. * I know its a lot, and it looks ugly, but only way to do it in Flash */ private function readMd2Header(data:ByteArray):void { ident = data.readInt(); version = data.readInt(); skinwidth = data.readInt(); skinheight = data.readInt(); framesize = data.readInt(); num_skins = data.readInt(); num_vertices = data.readInt(); num_st = data.readInt(); num_tris = data.readInt(); num_glcmds = data.readInt(); num_frames = data.readInt(); offset_skins = data.readInt(); offset_st = data.readInt(); offset_tris = data.readInt(); offset_frames = data.readInt(); offset_glcmds = data.readInt(); offset_end = data.readInt(); } /** * */ private function loadCompleteHandler(event:Event):void { var loader:URLLoader = as URLLoader; var data:ByteArray =; parse(data); } /** * * @param event * @return */ private function loadProgressHandler( event:ProgressEvent ):void { dispatchEvent(event); } private var _channels:Array; private var _channelByName:Object; private var _isPlaying:Boolean = false; private var _currentChannel:AbstractChannel3D; private var _currentTime:Number = 0; } }