package org.papervision3d.materials.special { import flash.display.BitmapData; import flash.display.DisplayObject; import flash.display.Graphics; import flash.geom.Matrix; import flash.geom.Rectangle; import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName; import org.papervision3d.core.geom.renderables.Particle; import org.papervision3d.core.log.PaperLogger; import; import org.papervision3d.core.render.draw.IParticleDrawer; /** * @author Seb Lee-Delisle * * version 0.1 of SpriteParticleMaterial that uses a reference to a * library symbol to create a particle. * */ public class MovieAssetParticleMaterial extends ParticleMaterial implements IParticleDrawer { // TODO create object to store bitmap and spriterectdata (and USECOUNT!!!) for each type of bitmap public static var bitmapLibrary : Object = new Object(); public static var spriteRectLibrary : Object = new Object(); public static var useCount : Object = new Object(); //private var _animated : Boolean; // animated movieclip - FOR FUTURE USE! NOT IMPLEMENTED YET :-) private var scaleMatrix:Matrix; private var spriteRect:Rectangle; private var renderRect:Rectangle; public var createUnique : Boolean = false; /** * The MovieClip that is used as a texture. */ public var movie :DisplayObject; /** * A Boolean value that determines whether the MovieClip is transparent. The default value is true, which, * although slower, is usually what you need for particles. */ public var movieTransparent :Boolean; private var movieAsset : Class; private var linkageID : String; //public var allowAutoResize:Boolean = true; // FOR FUTURE USE! // __________________________________________________ NEW /** * A Particle material that is made from a single DisplayObject (Sprite, MovieClip, etc) or a * Class that extends a DisplayObject (ie a library symbol) * * v0.1 - TODO implement reusable assets in the same way as MovieAssetMaterial * * @param linkageID The Library symbol to make the material out of. * @param transparent [optional] - whether the image is transparent or not * @param animated [optional] NOT IMPLEMENTED YET! Please do not use! * @param createUnique If true, we'll make a bitmap especially for use with this instance of the material, otherwise we'll use a cached version (if there is one) * */ public function MovieAssetParticleMaterial(linkageID:String, transparent:Boolean = true, animated : Boolean = false, createUnique:Boolean = false) { super(0,0); if(animated){ PaperLogger.warning("WARNING animated MovieAssetParticleMaterial not yet implemented"); } this.createUnique = createUnique; this.linkageID = linkageID; movieTransparent = transparent; if((bitmapLibrary[linkageID])&&(!createUnique)) { bitmap = bitmapLibrary[linkageID]; spriteRect = spriteRectLibrary[linkageID]; useCount[linkageID]++; } else { movieAsset = Class(getDefinitionByName(linkageID)); movie = DisplayObject(new movieAsset()); spriteRect = movie.getBounds(movie); bitmap = new BitmapData(movie.width, movie.height,movieTransparent, 0x00000000); if(!createUnique) { bitmapLibrary[linkageID] = bitmap; spriteRectLibrary[linkageID] = spriteRect; useCount[linkageID] = 1; } var m:Matrix = new Matrix(); m.tx = -spriteRect.left; m.ty =; bitmap.draw(movie, m); } renderRect = new Rectangle() ; this.scaleMatrix = new Matrix(); } override public function drawParticle(particle:Particle, graphics:Graphics, renderSessionData:RenderSessionData):void { var cullingrect:Rectangle = renderSessionData.viewPort.cullingRectangle; renderRect = cullingrect.intersection(particle.renderRect); graphics.beginBitmapFill(bitmap, scaleMatrix, false, smooth); graphics.drawRect(renderRect.x, renderRect.y, renderRect.width, renderRect.height); graphics.endFill(); renderSessionData.renderStatistics.particles++; } override public function updateRenderRect(particle : Particle) :void { scaleMatrix.identity(); var renderrect:Rectangle = particle.renderRect; scaleMatrix.tx = spriteRect.left; scaleMatrix.ty =; scaleMatrix.scale(particle.renderScale*particle.size, particle.renderScale*particle.size); var osx:Number = scaleMatrix.tx; var osy:Number = scaleMatrix.ty; scaleMatrix.translate(particle.vertex3D.vertex3DInstance.x, particle.vertex3D.vertex3DInstance.y); renderrect.x = particle.vertex3D.vertex3DInstance.x+osx; renderrect.y = particle.vertex3D.vertex3DInstance.y+osy; renderrect.width = particle.renderScale*particle.size*spriteRect.width; renderrect.height = particle.renderScale*particle.size*spriteRect.height; } override public function destroy() :void { super.destroy(); // TODO Implement bitmap count for dictionary bitmaps and smart disposal if(createUnique) bitmap.dispose(); else { useCount[linkageID]--; if(useCount[linkageID]==0) { bitmapLibrary[linkageID].dispose(); bitmapLibrary[linkageID] = null; spriteRectLibrary[linkageID] = null; } } } } }