package org.papervision3d.materials { import flash.display.BitmapData; import flash.display.DisplayObject; import flash.display.Graphics; import flash.display.Stage; import flash.geom.Matrix; import flash.geom.Rectangle; import org.papervision3d.core.geom.renderables.Triangle3D; import org.papervision3d.core.log.PaperLogger; import; import org.papervision3d.core.render.draw.ITriangleDrawer; import org.papervision3d.core.render.material.IUpdateAfterMaterial; import org.papervision3d.core.render.material.IUpdateBeforeMaterial; /** * The MovieMaterial class creates a texture from an existing MovieClip instance. *
* The texture can be animated and/or transparent. Current scale and color values of the MovieClip instance will be used. Rotation will be discarded. * * Materials collects data about how objects appear when rendered. */ public class MovieMaterial extends BitmapMaterial implements ITriangleDrawer, IUpdateBeforeMaterial, IUpdateAfterMaterial { // ______________________________________________________________________ PUBLIC protected var recreateBitmapInSuper:Boolean; private var materialIsUsed:Boolean = false; /** * The MovieClip that is used as a texture. */ public var movie :DisplayObject; /** * A Boolean value that determines whether the MovieClip is transparent. The default value is false, which is much faster. */ public var movieTransparent :Boolean; /** * When updateBitmap() is called on an animated material, it looks to handle a change in size on the texture. * * This is true by default, but in certain situations, like drawing on an object, you wouldn't want the size to change */ public var allowAutoResize:Boolean = false; // ______________________________________________________________________ ANIMATED /** * A Boolean value that determines whether the texture is animated. * * If set, the material must be included into the scene so the BitmapData texture can be updated when rendering. For performance reasons, the default value is false. */ public function get animated():Boolean { return movieAnimated; } public function set animated( status:Boolean ):void { movieAnimated = status; } /** * A texture object. */ override public function get texture():Object { return this._texture; } /** * @private */ override public function set texture( asset:Object ):void { if( asset is DisplayObject == false ) { PaperLogger.error("MovieMaterial.texture requires a Sprite to be passed as the object"); return; } bitmap = createBitmapFromSprite( DisplayObject(asset) ); _texture = asset; } // ______________________________________________________________________ RECT /** * Rectangle object that defines the area of the source object to draw. * * When present, this property defines bitmap size overriding allowAutoResize. * * If you do not supply this value, no clipping occurs and the entire source object is drawn. * */ public function get rect():Rectangle { var clipRect:Rectangle = userClipRect || autoClipRect; if( ! clipRect && movie ) clipRect = movie.getBounds( movie ); return clipRect; } public function set rect( clipRect:Rectangle ):void { userClipRect = clipRect; createBitmapFromSprite( movie ); } // ______________________________________________________________________ PRIVATE private var userClipRect :Rectangle; private var autoClipRect :Rectangle; private var movieAnimated :Boolean; private var quality :String; private var stage :Stage; // ______________________________________________________________________ NEW /** * The MovieMaterial class creates a texture from an existing MovieClip instance. * * @param movieAsset A reference to an existing MovieClip loaded into memory or on stage * @param transparent [optional] - If it's not transparent, the empty areas of the MovieClip will be of fill32 color. Default value is false. * @param animated [optional] - a flag setting whether or not this material has animation. If set to true, it will be updated during each render loop */ public function MovieMaterial( movieAsset:DisplayObject=null, transparent:Boolean=false, animated:Boolean=false, precise:Boolean=false, rect:Rectangle=null ) { movieTransparent = transparent; this.animated = animated; this.precise = precise; userClipRect = rect; if( movieAsset ) texture = movieAsset; } // ______________________________________________________________________ CREATE BITMAP /** * * @param asset * @return */ protected function createBitmapFromSprite( asset:DisplayObject ):BitmapData { // Set the new movie reference movie = asset; // initialize the bitmap since it's new initBitmap( movie ); // Draw drawBitmap(); // Call super.createBitmap to centralize the bitmap specific code. // Here only MovieClip specific code, all bitmap code (maxUVs, AUTO_MIP_MAP, correctBitmap) in BitmapMaterial. bitmap = super.createBitmap( bitmap ); return bitmap; } protected function initBitmap( asset:DisplayObject ):void { // Cleanup previous bitmap if needed if( bitmap ) bitmap.dispose(); // Create new bitmap if(userClipRect){ bitmap = new BitmapData( int(userClipRect.width+0.5), int(userClipRect.height+0.5), movieTransparent, fillColor ); }else if(asset.width == 0 || asset.height == 0){ bitmap = new BitmapData( 256, 256, movieTransparent, fillColor ); }else{ bitmap = new BitmapData( int(asset.width+0.5), int(asset.height+0.5), movieTransparent, fillColor ); } } override public function drawTriangle(face3D:Triangle3D, graphics:Graphics, renderSessionData:RenderSessionData, altBitmap:BitmapData=null, altUV:Matrix=null):void { materialIsUsed = true; super.drawTriangle(face3D, graphics, renderSessionData, altBitmap, altUV); } // ______________________________________________________________________ UPDATE /** * Updates animated MovieClip bitmap. * * Draws the current MovieClip image onto bitmap. */ public function updateBeforeRender(renderSessionData:RenderSessionData):void { materialIsUsed = false; if(movieAnimated){ // using int is much faster than using Math.floor. And casting the variable saves in speed from having the avm decide what to cast it as var mWidth:int; var mHeight:int; if( userClipRect ) { mWidth = int(userClipRect.width+0.5); mHeight = int(userClipRect.height+0.5); } else { mWidth = int(movie.width+0.5); mHeight = int(movie.height+0.5); } if( allowAutoResize && ( mWidth != bitmap.width || mHeight != bitmap.height ) ) { initBitmap( movie ); recreateBitmapInSuper = true; } } } public function updateAfterRender(renderSessionData:RenderSessionData):void { if(movieAnimated == true && materialIsUsed == true){ drawBitmap(); if (recreateBitmapInSuper){ bitmap = super.createBitmap( bitmap ); recreateBitmapInSuper = false; } } } public function drawBitmap():void { // Clear bitmap bitmap.fillRect( bitmap.rect, fillColor ); // Set quality if( stage && quality ) { var stageQuality:String = stage.quality; stage.quality = quality; } // Clip rectangle var clipRect:Rectangle = rect; var trans:Matrix = new Matrix( 1, 0, 0, 1, -clipRect.x, -clipRect.y ); // Draw bitmap.draw( movie, trans, movie.transform.colorTransform, null ); // Update rectangle if( ! userClipRect ) autoClipRect = movie.getBounds( movie ); // Restore quality if( stage && quality ) stage.quality = stageQuality; } // ______________________________________________________________________ QUALITY /** * Specifies which rendering quality Flash Player uses when drawing the bitmap texture from the movie asset. * * If not set, bitmaps are drawn using the current stage quality setting. */ public function setQuality( quality:String, stage:Stage, updateNow:Boolean=true ):void { this.quality = quality; this.stage = stage; if( updateNow ) createBitmapFromSprite( movie ); } } }