package org.papervision3d.cameras { import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.display.Stage; import; import; import; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.text.TextField; import flash.text.TextFormat; import flash.ui.Keyboard; import org.papervision3d.view.Viewport3D; /** *

* DebugCamera3D serves as a tool to allow you control * the camera with your mouse and keyboard while displaying information * about the camera when testing your swf. Due to its nature, * the Keyboard and Mouse Events may interfere with your custom Keyboard and Mouse Events. * This camera is in no way intended for production use. *

* *

* Click and drag for mouse movement. The keys * are setup as follows: *


	 * w = forward
	 * s = backward
	 * a = left
	 * d = right
	 * q = rotationZ--
	 * e = rotationZ++
	 * r = fov++
	 * f = fov--
	 * t = near++
	 * g = near--
	 * y = far++
	 * h = far--
* * @author John Lindquist */ public class DebugCamera3D extends Camera3D { /** @private */ protected var _propertiesDisplay:Sprite; /** @private */ protected var _inertia:Number = 3; /** @private */ protected var viewportStage:Stage; /** @private */ protected var startPoint:Point; /** @private */ protected var startRotationY:Number; /** @private */ protected var startRotationX:Number; /** @private */ protected var targetRotationY:Number = 0; /** @private */ protected var targetRotationX:Number = 0; /** @private */ protected var keyRight:Boolean = false; /** @private */ protected var keyLeft:Boolean = false; /** @private */ protected var keyForward:Boolean = false; /** @private */ protected var keyBackward:Boolean = false; /** @private */ protected var forwardFactor:Number = 0; /** @private */ protected var sideFactor:Number = 0; /** @private */ protected var xText:TextField; /** @private */ protected var yText:TextField; /** @private */ protected var zText:TextField; /** @private */ protected var rotationXText:TextField; /** @private */ protected var rotationYText:TextField; /** @private */ protected var rotationZText:TextField; /** @private */ protected var fovText:TextField; /** @private */ protected var nearText:TextField; /** @private */ protected var farText:TextField; /** @private */ protected var viewport3D:Viewport3D; /** * DebugCamera3D * * @param viewport Viewport to render to. @see org.papervision3d.view.Viewport3D * @param fovY Field of view (vertical) in degrees. * @param near Distance to near plane. * @param far Distance to far plane. */ public function DebugCamera3D(viewport3D:Viewport3D, fovY:Number = 90, near:Number = 10, far:Number = 5000) { super(fovY, near, far, true); this.viewport3D = viewport3D; this.viewport = viewport3D.sizeRectangle; this.focus = (this.viewport.height / 2) / Math.tan((fovY/2) * (Math.PI/180)); this.zoom = this.focus / near; this.focus = near; this.far = far; displayProperties(); checkStageReady(); } /** * Checks if the viewport is ready for events */ private function checkStageReady():void { if(viewport3D.containerSprite.stage == null) { viewport3D.containerSprite.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStageHandler); } else { setupEvents(); } } /** * Dispatched with the viewport container is added to the stage */ protected function onAddedToStageHandler(event:Event):void { setupEvents(); } /** * Builds the Sprite that displays the camera properties */ protected function displayProperties():void { _propertiesDisplay = new Sprite();;, 0, 100, 100);; _propertiesDisplay.x = 0; _propertiesDisplay.y = 0; var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat("_sans", 9); xText = new TextField(); yText = new TextField(); zText = new TextField(); rotationXText = new TextField(); rotationYText = new TextField(); rotationZText = new TextField(); fovText = new TextField(); nearText = new TextField(); farText = new TextField(); var textFields:Array = [xText, yText, zText, rotationXText, rotationYText, rotationZText, fovText, nearText, farText]; var textFieldYSpacing:int = 10; for (var i:Number = 0;i < textFields.length; i++) { textFields[i].width = 100; textFields[i].selectable = false; textFields[i].textColor = 0xFFFF00; textFields[i].text = ''; textFields[i].defaultTextFormat = format; textFields[i].y = textFieldYSpacing * i; _propertiesDisplay.addChild(textFields[i]); } viewport3D.addChild(_propertiesDisplay); } /** * Sets up the Mouse and Keyboard Events required for adjusting the camera properties */ protected function setupEvents():void { viewportStage = viewport3D.containerSprite.stage; viewportStage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler); viewportStage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpHandler); viewportStage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler); viewportStage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler); viewportStage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrameHandler); } /** * The default handler for the MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN event. * * @param The event object. */ protected function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { viewportStage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoveHandler); startPoint = new Point(viewportStage.mouseX, viewportStage.mouseY); startRotationY = this.rotationY; startRotationX = this.rotationX; } /** * The default handler for the MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE event. * * @param The event object. */ protected function mouseMoveHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { targetRotationY = startRotationY - (startPoint.x - viewportStage.mouseX) / 2; targetRotationX = startRotationX + (startPoint.y - viewportStage.mouseY) / 2; } /** * Removes the mouseMoveHandler on the MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP event. * * @param The event object. */ protected function mouseUpHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { viewportStage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoveHandler); } /** * Adjusts the camera based on the keyCode from the KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN event. * * @param The event object. */ protected function keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void { switch( event.keyCode ) { case "W".charCodeAt(): case Keyboard.UP: keyForward = true; keyBackward = false; break; case "S".charCodeAt(): case Keyboard.DOWN: keyBackward = true; keyForward = false; break; case "A".charCodeAt(): case Keyboard.LEFT: keyLeft = true; keyRight = false; break; case "D".charCodeAt(): case Keyboard.RIGHT: keyRight = true; keyLeft = false; break; case "Q".charCodeAt(): rotationZ--; break; case "E".charCodeAt(): rotationZ++; break; case "F".charCodeAt(): fov--; break; case "R".charCodeAt(): fov++; break; case "G".charCodeAt(): near -= 10; break; case "T".charCodeAt(): near += 10; break; case "H".charCodeAt(): far -= 10; break; case "Y".charCodeAt(): far += 10; break; } } /** * Checks which Key is released on the KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP event * and toggles that key's movement off. * * @param The event object. */ protected function keyUpHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void { switch( event.keyCode ) { case "W".charCodeAt(): case Keyboard.UP: keyForward = false; break; case "S".charCodeAt(): case Keyboard.DOWN: keyBackward = false; break; case "A".charCodeAt(): case Keyboard.LEFT: keyLeft = false; break; case "D".charCodeAt(): case Keyboard.RIGHT: keyRight = false; break; } } /** * Checks which keys are down and adjusts the camera accorindingly on the Event.ENTER_FRAME event. * Also updates the display of properties. * * @param The event object. */ protected function onEnterFrameHandler(event:Event):void { if(keyForward) { forwardFactor += 50; } if(keyBackward) { forwardFactor += -50; } if(keyLeft) { sideFactor += -50; } if(keyRight) { sideFactor += 50; } // rotation var rotationX:Number = this.rotationX + ( targetRotationX - this.rotationX ) / _inertia; var rotationY:Number = this.rotationY + ( targetRotationY - this.rotationY ) / _inertia; this.rotationX = Math.round(rotationX * 10) / 10; this.rotationY = Math.round(rotationY * 10) / 10; // position forwardFactor += ( 0 - forwardFactor ) / _inertia; sideFactor += ( 0 - sideFactor ) / _inertia; if (forwardFactor > 0) { this.moveForward(forwardFactor); }else { this.moveBackward(-forwardFactor); } if (sideFactor > 0) { this.moveRight(sideFactor); }else { this.moveLeft(-sideFactor); } xText.text = 'x:' + int(x); yText.text = 'y:' + int(y); zText.text = 'z:' + int(z); rotationXText.text = 'rotationX:' + int(rotationX); rotationYText.text = 'rotationY:' + int(rotationY); rotationZText.text = 'rotationZ:' + int(rotationZ); fovText.text = 'fov:' + Math.round(fov); nearText.text = 'near:' + Math.round(near); farText.text = 'far:' + Math.round(far); } /** * A Sprite that displays the current properties of your camera */ public function get propsDisplay():Sprite { return _propertiesDisplay; } public function set propsDisplay(propsDisplay:Sprite):void { _propertiesDisplay = propsDisplay; } /** * The amount of resistance to the change in velocity when updating the camera rotation with the mouse */ public function get inertia():Number { return _inertia; } public function set inertia(inertia:Number):void { _inertia = inertia; } } }