package com.transmote.flar { import org.libspark.flartoolkit.core.FLARSquare; import org.libspark.flartoolkit.core.transmat.FLARTransMatResult; /** * container for information about a detected marker. * * @author Eric Socolofsky * @url */ public class FLARMarker { internal var _transformMatrix:FLARTransMatResult; internal var _patternId:int; internal var _direction:int; internal var _confidence:Number; internal var _outline:FLARMarkerOutline; /** * constructor. */ public function FLARMarker (patternId:int, direction:int, confidence:Number, outline:FLARMarkerOutline, transformMatrix:FLARTransMatResult) { this._patternId = patternId; this._direction = direction; this._confidence = confidence; this._outline = outline; this._transformMatrix = transformMatrix; } /** * copy the properties of a FLARMarker into this FLARMarker. */ public function copy (otherMarker:FLARMarker) :void { this._patternId = otherMarker._patternId; this._direction = otherMarker._direction; this._confidence = otherMarker._confidence; this._outline = otherMarker._outline; this._transformMatrix = otherMarker._transformMatrix; } /** * ID of this marker's pattern. * pattern IDs are zero-indexed, and are * assigned to patterns in the order they were initially loaded. */ public function get patternId () :int { return this._patternId; } /** * orthographic orientation of detected marker. * value between 0 and 3, inclusive: * 0: down * 1: right * 2: up * 3: left */ public function get direction () :int { return this._direction; } /** * 'confidence' is a value assigned by FLARToolkit to each detected marker, * that describes the algorithm's perceived accuracy of the pattern match. */ public function get confidence () :Number { return this._confidence; } /** * FLARMarkerOutline that describes outline of pattern of detected marker. */ public function get outline () :FLARMarkerOutline { return this._outline; } /** * FLARTransMatResult matrix that describes transformation of marker relative to the camera. * apply to FLARBaseNodes that should appear 'tethered' to the marker. */ public function get transformMatrix () :FLARTransMatResult { return this._transformMatrix; } } }