package com.transmote.flar { import flash.display.Bitmap; import flash.display.BitmapData; import flash.display.Loader; import flash.display.LoaderInfo; import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.display.PixelSnapping; import flash.display.Sprite; import; import; import; import flash.geom.Matrix; import flash.geom.Rectangle; import; /** * use the contents of a Loader as a source image for FLARToolkit marker detection. * FLARLoaderSource samples the contents of a Loader against a white background, * to provide maximum contrast for marker detection. * this class can be used for testing marker detection without a camera, * for example with a swf or jpeg with valid patterns within. * * @author Eric Socolofsky * @url */ public class FLARLoaderSource extends Sprite implements IFLARSource { private var sourceWidth:Number; private var sourceHeight:Number; private var _downsampleRatio:Number; private var matRect:Rectangle; private var loader:Loader; private var loaderContainer:Sprite; // used for scaling for BitmapData sampling private var snapshot:BitmapData; private var snapshotBitmap:Bitmap; // TEMP for testing matrix conversion private var snapshotMatrix:Matrix; /** * constructor. * @param contentPath filename to load. * @param width width of file. * @param height height of file. * @param downsampleRatio amount to downsample camera input. * adjust to balance between image quality and marker tracking performance. * a value of 1.0 results in no downsampling; * a value of 0.5 (the default) downsamples the camera input by half. */ public function FLARLoaderSource (contentPath:String, width:Number, height:Number, downsampleRatio:Number=0.5) { this._downsampleRatio = downsampleRatio; this.sourceWidth = width * this._downsampleRatio; this.sourceHeight = height * this._downsampleRatio; this.matRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.sourceWidth, this.sourceHeight); this.loadContent(contentPath); } /** * update the BitmapData source used for analysis. */ public function update () :void { this.snapshot.fillRect(this.matRect, 0xFFFFFFFF); this.snapshot.draw(this.loaderContainer, this.snapshotMatrix); } /** * retrieve the BitmapData source used for analysis. * NOTE: returns the actual BitmapData object, not a clone. */ public function get source () :BitmapData { return this.snapshot; } /** * size of BitmapData source used for analysis. */ public function get sourceSize () :Rectangle { return new Rectangle(0, 0, this.sourceWidth, this.sourceHeight); } /** * amount by which the BitmapData source is downsampled. */ public function get downsampleRatio () :Number { return this._downsampleRatio; } private function loadContent (path:String) :void { this.loader = new Loader(); this.loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, this.onLoadError, false, 0, true); this.loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, this.onLoadError, false, 0, true); this.loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, this.onLoaded, false, 0, true); this.loader.load(new URLRequest(path)); } private function onLoadError (evt:Event) :void { var errorText:String = "FLARLoaderSource load error."; if (evt is IOErrorEvent) { errorText = IOErrorEvent(evt).text; } else if (evt is SecurityErrorEvent) { errorText = SecurityErrorEvent(evt).text; } this.onLoaded(evt, new Error(errorText)); } private function onLoaded (evt:Event, error:Error=null) :void { var loaderInfo:LoaderInfo = as LoaderInfo; loaderInfo.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, this.onLoadError); loaderInfo.removeEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, this.onLoadError); loaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, this.onLoaded); if (error) { throw error; } this.loaderContainer = new Sprite(); this.loader.scaleX = this.loader.scaleY = this._downsampleRatio; this.loaderContainer.addChild(this.loader); this.snapshot = new BitmapData(this.sourceWidth, this.sourceHeight, false, 0xFFFFFFFF); this.snapshotBitmap = new Bitmap(this.snapshot, PixelSnapping.AUTO, true); this.snapshotBitmap.scaleX = this.snapshotBitmap.scaleY = 1/this._downsampleRatio; this.addChild(this.snapshotBitmap); this.dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.INIT)); } // TEMP for testing matrix conversion public function getPattMC () :MovieClip { if (!this.loader || !this.loader.content) { return null; } return MovieClip(MovieClip(this.loader.content).getChildByName("patt")); } } }