package org.papervision3d.objects.primitives { import org.papervision3d.Papervision3D; import org.papervision3d.core.geom.*; import org.papervision3d.core.geom.renderables.Triangle3D; import org.papervision3d.core.geom.renderables.Vertex3D; import org.papervision3d.core.math.NumberUV; import org.papervision3d.core.proto.*; /** * The Sphere class lets you create and display spheres. * <p/> * The sphere is divided in vertical and horizontal segment, the smallest combination is two vertical and three horizontal segments. */ public class Sphere extends TriangleMesh3D { /** * Number of segments horizontally. Defaults to 8. */ private var segmentsW :Number; /** * Number of segments vertically. Defaults to 6. */ private var segmentsH :Number; /** * Default radius of Sphere if not defined. */ static public var DEFAULT_RADIUS :Number = 100; /** * Default scale of Sphere texture if not defined. */ static public var DEFAULT_SCALE :Number = 1; /** * Default value of gridX if not defined. */ static public var DEFAULT_SEGMENTSW :Number = 8; /** * Default value of gridY if not defined. */ static public var DEFAULT_SEGMENTSH :Number = 6; /** * Minimum value of gridX. */ static public var MIN_SEGMENTSW :Number = 3; /** * Minimum value of gridY. */ static public var MIN_SEGMENTSH :Number = 2; // ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ // N E W // NN NN EEEEEE WW WW // NNN NN EE WW WW WW // NNNNNN EEEE WWWWWWWW // NN NNN EE WWW WWW // NN NN EEEEEE WW WW /** * Create a new Sphere object. * <p/> * @param material A MaterialObject3D object that contains the material properties of the object. * <p/> * @param radius [optional] - Desired radius. * <p/> * @param segmentsW [optional] - Number of segments horizontally. Defaults to 8. * <p/> * @param segmentsH [optional] - Number of segments vertically. Defaults to 6. * <p/> */ public function Sphere( material:MaterialObject3D=null, radius:Number=100, segmentsW:int=8, segmentsH:int=6 ) { super( material, new Array(), new Array(), null ); this.segmentsW = Math.max( MIN_SEGMENTSW, segmentsW || DEFAULT_SEGMENTSW); // Defaults to 8 this.segmentsH = Math.max( MIN_SEGMENTSH, segmentsH || DEFAULT_SEGMENTSH); // Defaults to 6 if (radius==0) radius = DEFAULT_RADIUS; // Defaults to 100 var scale :Number = DEFAULT_SCALE; buildSphere( radius ); } private function buildSphere( fRadius:Number ):void { var i:Number, j:Number, k:Number; var iHor:Number = Math.max(3,this.segmentsW); var iVer:Number = Math.max(2,this.segmentsH); var aVertice:Array = this.geometry.vertices; var aFace:Array = this.geometry.faces; var aVtc:Array = new Array(); for (j=0;j<(iVer+1);j++) { // vertical var fRad1:Number = Number(j/iVer); var fZ:Number = -fRadius*Math.cos(fRad1*Math.PI); var fRds:Number = fRadius*Math.sin(fRad1*Math.PI); var aRow:Array = new Array(); var oVtx:Vertex3D; for (i=0;i<iHor;i++) { // horizontal var fRad2:Number = Number(2*i/iHor); var fX:Number = fRds*Math.sin(fRad2*Math.PI); var fY:Number = fRds*Math.cos(fRad2*Math.PI); if (!((j==0||j==iVer)&&i>0)) { // top||bottom = 1 vertex oVtx = new Vertex3D(fY,fZ,fX); aVertice.push(oVtx); } aRow.push(oVtx); } aVtc.push(aRow); } var iVerNum:int = aVtc.length; for (j=0;j<iVerNum;j++) { var iHorNum:int = aVtc[j].length; if (j>0) { // &&i>=0 for (i=0;i<iHorNum;i++) { // select vertices var bEnd:Boolean = i==(iHorNum-0); var aP1:Vertex3D = aVtc[j][bEnd?0:i]; var aP2:Vertex3D = aVtc[j][(i==0?iHorNum:i)-1]; var aP3:Vertex3D = aVtc[j-1][(i==0?iHorNum:i)-1]; var aP4:Vertex3D = aVtc[j-1][bEnd?0:i]; // uv /* * fix applied as suggested by Philippe to correct the uv mapping on a sphere * */ var fJ0:Number = j / (iVerNum-1); var fJ1:Number = (j-1) / (iVerNum-1); var fI0:Number = (i+1) / iHorNum; var fI1:Number = i / iHorNum; var aP4uv:NumberUV = new NumberUV(fI0,fJ1); var aP1uv:NumberUV = new NumberUV(fI0,fJ0); var aP2uv:NumberUV = new NumberUV(fI1,fJ0); var aP3uv:NumberUV = new NumberUV(fI1,fJ1); // 2 faces if (j<(aVtc.length-1)) aFace.push( new Triangle3D(this, new Array(aP1,aP2,aP3), material, new Array(aP1uv,aP2uv,aP3uv)) ); if (j>1) aFace.push( new Triangle3D(this, new Array(aP1,aP3,aP4), material, new Array(aP1uv,aP3uv,aP4uv)) ); } } } this.geometry.ready = true; if(Papervision3D.useRIGHTHANDED) this.geometry.flipFaces(); } } }