package org.papervision3d.objects.parsers { import; import; import flash.utils.ByteArray; import flash.utils.Dictionary; import flash.utils.getTimer; import org.ascollada.ASCollada; import org.ascollada.core.*; import org.ascollada.fx.*; import; import org.ascollada.namespaces.*; import org.ascollada.types.*; import org.papervision3d.Papervision3D; import org.papervision3d.core.animation.*; import*; import org.papervision3d.core.controller.IObjectController; import org.papervision3d.core.controller.SkinController; import org.papervision3d.core.geom.*; import org.papervision3d.core.geom.renderables.*; import org.papervision3d.core.log.PaperLogger; import org.papervision3d.core.material.AbstractLightShadeMaterial; import org.papervision3d.core.math.*; import org.papervision3d.core.proto.*; import; import; import org.papervision3d.materials.*; import org.papervision3d.materials.shaders.ShadedMaterial; import org.papervision3d.materials.special.*; import org.papervision3d.materials.utils.*; import org.papervision3d.objects.DisplayObject3D; import org.papervision3d.objects.special.Skin3D; /** * @author Tim Knip */ public class DAE extends DisplayObject3D implements IAnimationDataProvider, IAnimatable { use namespace collada; /** Default line color for splines. */ public static var DEFAULT_LINE_COLOR:uint = 0xffff00; /** Default line width for splines */ public static var DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH:Number = 0; /** Alternative file-extension for TGA images. Default is "png". */ public static var DEFAULT_TGA_ALTERNATIVE:String = "png"; /** */ public var COLLADA:XML; /** */ public var filename:String; /** */ public var fileTitle:String; /** */ public var baseUrl:String; /** Path where the textures should be loaded from. */ public var texturePath:String; /** */ public var parser:DaeReader; /** */ public var document:DaeDocument; /** */ public function get yUp():Boolean { if(this.document) return (this.document.asset.yUp == ASCollada.DAE_Y_UP) else return false; } /** * Constructor. * * @param autoPlay Whether to start the animation automatically. * @param name Optional name for the DAE. */ public function DAE(autoPlay:Boolean=true, name:String=null) { super(name); _autoPlay = autoPlay; _rightHanded = Papervision3D.useRIGHTHANDED; } /** * Plays the animation. * * @param clip Optional clip name. */ public function play(clip:String=null):void { _currentFrame = 0; _currentTime = getTimer(); _isPlaying = (_isAnimated && _channels && _channels.length); } /** * Stops the animation. */ public function stop():void { _isPlaying = false; } /** * Gets the default FPS. */ public function get fps():uint { return 20; } /** * Gets a animation channel by its name. * * @param name * * @return the found channel. */ public function getAnimationChannelByName(name:String):AbstractChannel3D { return null; } /** * Gets all animation channels for a target. * <p>NOTE: when target is null, all channels for this object are returned.</p> * * @param target The target to get the channels for. * * @return Array of AnimationChannel3D. */ public function getAnimationChannels(target:DisplayObject3D=null):Array { var channels:Array = new Array(); if(target == null) { for each(var array:Array in _channelsByTarget) channels = channels.concat(array); } else if(_channelsByTarget[target]) { channels = channels.concat(_channelsByTarget[target]); } else return null; return channels; } /** * Gets animation channels by clip name. * * @param name The clip name * * @return Array of AnimationChannel3D. */ public function getAnimationChannelsByClip(name:String):Array { return null; } /** * Loads the COLLADA. * * @param asset The url, an XML object or a ByteArray specifying the COLLADA file. * @param materials An optional materialsList. */ public function load(asset:*, materials:MaterialsList = null):void { this.materials = materials || new MaterialsList(); buildFileInfo(asset); this.parser = new DaeReader(); this.parser.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onParseComplete); this.parser.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onParseProgress); if(asset is XML) { this.COLLADA = asset as XML; this.parser.loadDocument(asset); } else if(asset is ByteArray) { this.COLLADA = new XML(ByteArray(asset)); this.parser.loadDocument(asset); } else if(asset is String) { this.filename = String(asset);; } else { throw new Error("load : unknown asset type!"); } } /** * Removes a child. * * @param child The child to remove * * @return The removed child */ override public function removeChild(child:DisplayObject3D):DisplayObject3D { var object:DisplayObject3D = getChildByName(, true); if(object) { var parent:DisplayObject3D = DisplayObject3D(object.parent); if(parent) { var removed:DisplayObject3D = parent.removeChild(object); if(removed) return removed; } } return null; } /** * Replaces a material by its name. * * @param material * @param name * @return */ public function replaceMaterialByName(material:MaterialObject3D, name:String):void { if(!this.materials) return; var existingMaterial:MaterialObject3D = this.materials.getMaterialByName(name); if(!existingMaterial) return; if(this.material === existingMaterial) this.material = material; existingMaterial = this.materials.removeMaterial(existingMaterial); material = this.materials.addMaterial(material, name); updateMaterials(this, existingMaterial, material); } /** * Sets the material for a child DisplayObject3D. * * @param child A child DisplayObject3D of this DAE. * @param material The new material for the child. * @param existingMaterial Optional existing material to be replaced. */ public function setChildMaterial(child:DisplayObject3D, material:MaterialObject3D, existingMaterial:MaterialObject3D=null):void { if(!child) return; if(!existingMaterial || child.material === existingMaterial) child.material = material; if(child.geometry && child.geometry.faces) { for each( var triangle:Triangle3D in child.geometry.faces ) { if(!existingMaterial || triangle.material === existingMaterial) triangle.material = material; } } } /** * Sets the material for a child DisplayObject3D by the child's name. * * @param childName The name of the DisplayObject3D. * @param material The new material for the child. */ public function setChildMaterialByName(childName:String, material:MaterialObject3D):void { setChildMaterial(getChildByName(childName, true), material); } /** * Project. * * @param parent * @param renderSessionData * * @return Number */ public override function project(parent:DisplayObject3D, renderSessionData:RenderSessionData):Number { // update controllers for each(var controller:IObjectController in _controllers) controller.update(); // update animation if(_isPlaying && _channels) { var secs:Number = _currentTime / 1000; var duration:Number = _endTime - _startTime; var elapsed:Number = (getTimer()/1000) - secs; if(elapsed > duration) { _currentTime = getTimer(); secs = _currentTime / 1000; elapsed = 0; } var time:Number = elapsed / duration; for each(var channel:AbstractChannel3D in _channels) { channel.updateToTime(time); } } return super.project(parent, renderSessionData); } /** * Builds a animation channel for an object. * * @param matrixStackChannel the target object's channel * @param target The target object * @param channel The DaeChannel */ private function buildAnimationChannel(target:DisplayObject3D, channel:DaeChannel):MatrixChannel3D { var node:DaeNode = _objectToNode[target]; if(!node) throw new Error("Couldn't find the targeted object!"); var matrixChannel:MatrixChannel3D = new MatrixChannel3D(target, channel.syntax.targetSID); var transform:DaeTransform = node.findMatrixBySID(channel.syntax.targetSID); if(!transform) { PaperLogger.warning("Couldn't find the targeted object's transform: " + channel.syntax.targetSID); return null; } var matrix:Matrix3D; var matrixProp:String; var arrayMember:String; var data:Array; var val:Number; var i:int; if(channel.syntax.isArrayAccess) { arrayMember = channel.syntax.arrayMember.join(""); switch(arrayMember) { case "(0)(0)": matrixProp = "n11"; break; case "(1)(0)": matrixProp = "n12"; break; case "(2)(0)": matrixProp = "n13"; break; case "(3)(0)": matrixProp = "n14"; break; case "(0)(1)": matrixProp = "n21"; break; case "(1)(1)": matrixProp = "n22"; break; case "(2)(1)": matrixProp = "n23"; break; case "(3)(1)": matrixProp = "n24"; break; case "(0)(2)": matrixProp = "n31"; break; case "(1)(2)": matrixProp = "n32"; break; case "(2)(2)": matrixProp = "n33"; break; case "(3)(2)": matrixProp = "n34"; break; default: throw new Error(arrayMember); } } switch(transform.type) { case "matrix": if(channel.syntax.isFullAccess) { for(i = 0; i < channel.input.length; i++) { data = channel.output[i]; matrix = new Matrix3D(data); matrixChannel.addKeyFrame(new AnimationKeyFrame3D("keyframe_" + i, channel.input[i], [matrix])); } } else if(channel.syntax.isArrayAccess) { matrix = Matrix3D.clone(target.transform); for(i = 0; i < channel.input.length; i++) { matrix[matrixProp] = channel.output[i]; matrixChannel.addKeyFrame(new AnimationKeyFrame3D("keyframe_" + i, channel.input[i], [matrix])); } } else { throw new Error("Don't know how to handle this channel: " + channel.syntax); } break; case "rotate": if(channel.syntax.isFullAccess) { for(i = 0; i < channel.input.length; i++) { data = channel.output[i]; matrix = Matrix3D.rotationMatrix(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3] * (Math.PI/180)); matrixChannel.addKeyFrame(new AnimationKeyFrame3D("keyframe_" + i, channel.input[i], [matrix])); } } else if(channel.syntax.isDotAccess) { switch(channel.syntax.member) { case "ANGLE": for(i = 0; i < channel.input.length; i++) { var angle:Number = channel.output[i] * (Math.PI/180); matrix = Matrix3D.rotationMatrix(transform.values[0], transform.values[1], transform.values[2], angle); matrixChannel.addKeyFrame(new AnimationKeyFrame3D("keyframe_" + i, channel.input[i], [matrix])); } break; default: throw new Error("Don't know how to handle this channel: " + channel.syntax); } } else { throw new Error("Don't know how to handle this channel: " + channel.syntax); } break; case "scale": if(channel.syntax.isFullAccess) { for(i = 0; i < channel.input.length; i++) { data = channel.output[i]; matrix = Matrix3D.scaleMatrix(data[0], data[1], data[2]); matrixChannel.addKeyFrame(new AnimationKeyFrame3D("keyframe_" + i, channel.input[i], [matrix])); } } else if(channel.syntax.isDotAccess) { for(i = 0; i < channel.input.length; i++) { val = channel.output[i]; switch(channel.syntax.member) { case "X": matrix = Matrix3D.scaleMatrix(val, 0, 0); matrixChannel.addKeyFrame(new AnimationKeyFrame3D("keyframe_" + i, channel.input[i], [matrix])); break; case "Y": matrix = Matrix3D.scaleMatrix(0, val, 0); matrixChannel.addKeyFrame(new AnimationKeyFrame3D("keyframe_" + i, channel.input[i], [matrix])); break; case "Z": matrix = Matrix3D.scaleMatrix(0, 0, val); matrixChannel.addKeyFrame(new AnimationKeyFrame3D("keyframe_" + i, channel.input[i], [matrix])); break; default: break; } } } else { throw new Error("Don't know how to handle this channel: " + channel.syntax); } break; case "translate": if(channel.syntax.isFullAccess) { for(i = 0; i < channel.input.length; i++) { data = channel.output[i]; matrix = Matrix3D.translationMatrix(data[0], data[1], data[2]); matrixChannel.addKeyFrame(new AnimationKeyFrame3D("keyframe_" + i, channel.input[i], [matrix])); } } else if(channel.syntax.isDotAccess) { for(i = 0; i < channel.input.length; i++) { val = channel.output[i]; switch(channel.syntax.member) { case "X": matrix = Matrix3D.translationMatrix(val, 0, 0); matrixChannel.addKeyFrame(new AnimationKeyFrame3D("keyframe_" + i, channel.input[i], [matrix])); break; case "Y": matrix = Matrix3D.translationMatrix(0, val, 0); matrixChannel.addKeyFrame(new AnimationKeyFrame3D("keyframe_" + i, channel.input[i], [matrix])); break; case "Z": matrix = Matrix3D.translationMatrix(0, 0, val); matrixChannel.addKeyFrame(new AnimationKeyFrame3D("keyframe_" + i, channel.input[i], [matrix])); break; default: break; } } } else { throw new Error("Don't know how to handle this channel: " + channel.syntax); } break; default: throw new Error("Unknown transform type!"); } return matrixChannel; } /** * Build all animation channels. */ private function buildAnimationChannels():void { var target:DisplayObject3D; var channel:DaeChannel; var channelsByObject:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true); var i:int; _channelsByTarget = new Dictionary(true); for each(var animation:DaeAnimation in this.document.animations) { for(i = 0; i < animation.channels.length; i++) { channel = animation.channels[i]; target = _colladaIDToObject[channel.syntax.targetID]; if(!target) throw new Error("damn"); if(!channelsByObject[target]) channelsByObject[target] = new Array(); channelsByObject[target].push(channel); } } for(var object:* in channelsByObject) { target = object as DisplayObject3D; var channels:Array = channelsByObject[object]; var node:DaeNode = _objectToNode[target]; if(!node) throw new Error("Couldn't find the targeted object with name '" + + "'"); node.channels = channels; if(!channels.length) continue; channel = channels[0]; var transform:DaeTransform = node.findMatrixBySID(channel.syntax.targetSID); if(!transform) { PaperLogger.warning("Could not find a transform with SID=" + channel.syntax.targetSID); continue; } // the object has a single <matrix> channel if(channels.length == 1 && transform.type == ASCollada.DAE_MATRIX_ELEMENT) { _channelsByTarget[target] = [buildAnimationChannel(target, channel)]; continue; } // the object has multiple channels, lets bake 'm into a single channel var allTimes:Array = new Array(); var times:Array = new Array(); var lastTime:Number; // fetch all times for all channels for each(channel in channels) allTimes = allTimes.concat(channel.input); allTimes.sort(Array.NUMERIC); // make array with unique times for(i = 0; i < allTimes.length; i++) { var t:Number = allTimes[i]; if(i == 0) times.push(t); else if(t - lastTime > 0.01) times.push(t); lastTime = t; } // build the MatrixChannel3D's for this object var mcs:Object = new Object(); for each(channel in channels) { var animationChannel:MatrixChannel3D = buildAnimationChannel(target, channel); if(animationChannel) mcs[ channel.syntax.targetSID ] = buildAnimationChannel(target, channel); } var bakedChannel:MatrixChannel3D = new MatrixChannel3D(target); // build a baked channel for(i = 0; i < times.length; i++) { var keyframeTime:Number = times[i]; var bakedMatrix:Matrix3D = Matrix3D.IDENTITY; // loop over the DaeNode's transform-stack for(var j:int = 0; j < node.transforms.length; j++) { transform = node.transforms[j]; var matrixChannel:MatrixChannel3D = mcs[ transform.sid ]; if(matrixChannel) { // this transform is animated, so lets determine the matrix for the current keyframeTime var time:Number; if(keyframeTime < matrixChannel.startTime) time = 0; else if(keyframeTime > matrixChannel.endTime) time = 1; else time = keyframeTime / (matrixChannel.endTime - matrixChannel.startTime); // update the channel by time, so the matrix for the current keyframe is setup matrixChannel.updateToTime(time); // bake the matrix bakedMatrix = Matrix3D.multiply(bakedMatrix, target.transform); } else { // this transform isn't animated, simply bake the transform into the matrix bakedMatrix = Matrix3D.multiply(bakedMatrix, buildMatrixFromTransform(transform)); } } // now we can add the baked matrix as a new keyframe bakedChannel.addKeyFrame(new AnimationKeyFrame3D("frame_" + i, keyframeTime, [bakedMatrix])); } _channelsByTarget[target] = [bakedChannel]; } } /** * Build a color from RGB values. * * @param rgb * * @return */ private function buildColor( rgb:Array ):uint { var r:uint = rgb[0] * 0xff; var g:uint = rgb[1] * 0xff; var b:uint = rgb[2] * 0xff; return (r<<16|g<<8|b); } /** * Creates the faces for a COLLADA primitive. @see org.ascollada.core.DaePrimitive * * @param primitive * @param geometry * @param voffset * * @return The created faces. */ private function buildFaces(primitive:DaePrimitive, geometry:GeometryObject3D, voffset:uint):void { var faces:Array = new Array(); var material:MaterialObject3D = this.materials.getMaterialByName(primitive.material); material = material || MaterialObject3D.DEFAULT; // retreive correct texcoord-set for the material. var obj:DaeBindVertexInput = _textureSets[primitive.material] is DaeBindVertexInput ? _textureSets[primitive.material] : null; var setID:int = (obj is DaeBindVertexInput) ? obj.input_set : 1; var texCoordSet:Array = primitive.getTexCoords(setID); var texcoords:Array = new Array(); var i:int, j:int = 0, k:int; // texture coords for( i = 0; i < texCoordSet.length; i++ ) texcoords.push(new NumberUV(texCoordSet[i][0], texCoordSet[i][1])); var hasUV:Boolean = (texcoords.length == primitive.vertices.length); var idx:Array = new Array(); var v:Array = new Array(); var uv:Array = new Array(); switch( primitive.type ) { // Each line described by the mesh has two vertices. The first line is formed // from first and second vertices. The second line is formed from the third and fourth // vertices and so on. case ASCollada.DAE_LINES_ELEMENT: for( i = 0; i < primitive.vertices.length; i += 2 ) { v[0] = geometry.vertices[ primitive.vertices[i] ]; v[1] = geometry.vertices[ primitive.vertices[i+1] ]; uv[0] = hasUV ? texcoords[ i ] : new NumberUV(); uv[1] = hasUV ? texcoords[ i+1 ] : new NumberUV(); //geometry.faces.push( new Triangle3D(instance, [v[0], v[1], v[1]], material, [uv[0], uv[1], uv[1]]) ); } break; // simple triangles case ASCollada.DAE_TRIANGLES_ELEMENT: for(i = 0, j = 0; i < primitive.vertices.length; i += 3, j++) { idx[0] = voffset + primitive.vertices[i]; idx[1] = voffset + primitive.vertices[i+1]; idx[2] = voffset + primitive.vertices[i+2]; v[0] = geometry.vertices[ idx[0] ]; v[1] = geometry.vertices[ idx[1] ]; v[2] = geometry.vertices[ idx[2] ]; uv[0] = hasUV ? texcoords[ i+0 ] : new NumberUV(); uv[1] = hasUV ? texcoords[ i+1 ] : new NumberUV(); uv[2] = hasUV ? texcoords[ i+2 ] : new NumberUV(); geometry.faces.push(new Triangle3D(null, [v[0], v[1], v[2]], material, [uv[0], uv[1], uv[2]])); } break; // polygon with *no* holes case ASCollada.DAE_POLYLIST_ELEMENT: for( i = 0, k = 0; i < primitive.vcount.length; i++ ) { var poly:Array = new Array(); var uvs:Array = new Array(); for( j = 0; j < primitive.vcount[i]; j++ ) { uvs.push( (hasUV ? texcoords[ k ] : new NumberUV()) ); poly.push( geometry.vertices[primitive.vertices[k++]] ); } if( !geometry || !geometry.faces || !geometry.vertices ) throw new Error( "no geometry" ); v[0] = poly[0]; uv[0] = uvs[0]; for( j = 1; j < poly.length - 1; j++ ) { v[1] = poly[j]; v[2] = poly[j+1]; uv[1] = uvs[j]; uv[2] = uvs[j+1]; geometry.faces.push(new Triangle3D(null, [v[0], v[1], v[2]], material, [uv[0], uv[1], uv[2]])); } } break; // polygons *with* holes (but holes not yet processed...) case ASCollada.DAE_POLYGONS_ELEMENT: for(i = 0, k = 0; i < primitive.polygons.length; i++) { var p:Array = primitive.polygons[i]; var np:Array = new Array(); var nuv:Array = new Array(); for(j = 0; j < p.length; j++) { nuv.push( (hasUV ? texcoords[ k ] : new NumberUV()) ); np.push( geometry.vertices[primitive.vertices[k++]] ); } v[0] = np[0]; uv[0] = nuv[0]; for(j = 1; j < np.length - 1; j++) { v[1] = np[j]; v[2] = np[j+1]; uv[1] = nuv[j]; uv[2] = nuv[j+1]; geometry.faces.push(new Triangle3D(null, [v[0], v[1], v[2]], material, [uv[0], uv[1], uv[2]])); } } break; default: throw new Error("Don't know how to create face for a DaePrimitive with type = " + primitive.type); } } /** * * @param asset * @return */ private function buildFileInfo( asset:* ):void { this.filename = asset is String ? String(asset) : "./meshes/rawdata_dae"; // make sure we've got forward slashes! this.filename = this.filename.split("\\").join("/"); if( this.filename.indexOf("/") != -1 ) { // dae is located in a sub-directory of the swf. var parts:Array = this.filename.split("/"); this.fileTitle = String( parts.pop() ); this.baseUrl = parts.join("/"); } else { // dae is located in root directory of swf. this.fileTitle = this.filename; this.baseUrl = ""; } } /** * Builds all COLLADA geometries. */ private function buildGeometries():void { var i:int, j:int, k:int; _geometries = new Object(); for each(var geometry:DaeGeometry in this.document.geometries) { if(geometry.mesh) { var g:GeometryObject3D = new GeometryObject3D(); g.vertices = buildVertices(geometry.mesh); g.faces = new Array(); if(!g.vertices.length) continue; for(i = 0; i < geometry.mesh.primitives.length; i++) { buildFaces(geometry.mesh.primitives[i], g, 0); } _geometries[] = g; } else if(geometry.spline && geometry.splines) { var lines:Lines3D = new Lines3D(new LineMaterial(DEFAULT_LINE_COLOR),; for(i = 0; i < geometry.splines.length; i++) { var spline:DaeSpline = geometry.splines[i]; for(j = 0; j < spline.vertices.length; j++) { k = (j+1) % spline.vertices.length; var v0:Vertex3D = new Vertex3D(spline.vertices[j][0], spline.vertices[j][1], spline.vertices[j][2]); var v1:Vertex3D = new Vertex3D(spline.vertices[k][0], spline.vertices[k][1], spline.vertices[k][2]); var line:Line3D = new Line3D(lines, lines.material as LineMaterial, DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH, v0, v1); lines.addLine(line); } } _geometries[] = lines; } } } /** * * @return */ private function buildImagePath( meshFolderPath:String, imgPath:String ):String { if (texturePath != null) imgPath = texturePath + imgPath.slice( imgPath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1 ); var baseParts:Array = meshFolderPath.split("/"); var imgParts:Array = imgPath.split("/"); while( baseParts[0] == "." ) baseParts.shift(); while( imgParts[0] == "." ) imgParts.shift(); while( imgParts[0] == ".." ) { imgParts.shift(); baseParts.pop(); } var imgUrl:String = baseParts.length > 1 ? baseParts.join("/") : (baseParts.length?baseParts[0]:""); imgUrl = imgUrl != "" ? imgUrl + "/" + imgParts.join("/") : imgParts.join("/"); return imgUrl; } /** * Builds the materials. */ private function buildMaterials():void { _queuedMaterials = new Array(); for( var materialId:String in this.document.materials ) { var material:MaterialObject3D = null; var daeMaterial:DaeMaterial = this.document.materials[ materialId ]; var symbol:String = this.document.materialTargetToSymbol[ ]; // material already exists in our materialsList, no need to process if(this.materials.getMaterialByName(symbol)) continue; var effect:DaeEffect = document.effects[ daeMaterial.effect ]; var lambert:DaeLambert = effect.color as DaeLambert; // save the texture-set if necessary if(lambert && lambert.diffuse.texture) { _textureSets[] = lambert.diffuse.texture.texcoord; } // if the material has a texture, qeueu the bitmap if(effect && effect.texture_url) { var image:DaeImage = document.images[effect.texture_url]; if(image) { var imageUrl:String = buildImagePath(this.baseUrl, image.init_from); material = new BitmapFileMaterial(); material.doubleSided = effect.double_sided; _queuedMaterials.push({symbol:symbol, url:imageUrl, material:material}); continue; } } if(lambert && lambert.diffuse.color) { if(effect.wireframe) material = new WireframeMaterial(buildColor(lambert.diffuse.color)); else material = new ColorMaterial(buildColor(lambert.diffuse.color)); } else material = MaterialObject3D.DEFAULT; material.doubleSided = effect.double_sided; this.materials.addMaterial(material, symbol); } } /** * Builds a Matrix3D from a node's transform array. @see org.ascollada.core.DaeNode#transforms * * @param node * * @return */ private function buildMatrix(node:DaeNode):Matrix3D { var stack:Array = buildMatrixStack(node); var matrix:Matrix3D = Matrix3D.IDENTITY; for( var i:int = 0; i < stack.length; i++ ) matrix.calculateMultiply4x4(matrix, stack[i]); return matrix; } /** * * @param node * @return */ private function buildMatrixFromTransform(transform:DaeTransform):Matrix3D { var matrix:Matrix3D; var toRadians:Number = Math.PI/180; var v:Array = transform.values; switch(transform.type) { case ASCollada.DAE_ROTATE_ELEMENT: matrix = Matrix3D.rotationMatrix(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3] * toRadians); break; case ASCollada.DAE_SCALE_ELEMENT: matrix = Matrix3D.scaleMatrix(v[0], v[1], v[2]); break; case ASCollada.DAE_TRANSLATE_ELEMENT: matrix = Matrix3D.translationMatrix(v[0], v[1], v[2]); break; case ASCollada.DAE_MATRIX_ELEMENT: matrix = new Matrix3D(v); break; default: throw new Error("Unknown transform type: " + transform.type); } return matrix; } /** * * @param node * @return */ private function buildMatrixStack(node:DaeNode):Array { var stack:Array = new Array(); for( var i:int = 0; i < node.transforms.length; i++ ) stack.push(buildMatrixFromTransform(node.transforms[i])); return stack; } /** * Builds a DisplayObject3D from a node. @see org.ascollada.core.DaeNode * * @param node * * @return The created DisplayObject3D. @see org.papervision3d.objects.DisplayObject3D */ private function buildNode(node:DaeNode, parent:DisplayObject3D):void { var instance:DisplayObject3D; var material:MaterialObject3D; var i:int; if(node.controllers.length) { // controllers, can be of type 'skin' or 'morph' for(i = 0; i < node.controllers.length; i++) { var instanceController:DaeInstanceController = node.controllers[i]; var colladaController:DaeController = document.controllers[instanceController.url]; if( { instance = new Skin3D(null, [], [],; buildSkin(instance as Skin3D,, instanceController.skeletons, node); } else if(colladaController.morph) { throw new Error("morph!"); } else throw new Error("A COLLADA controller should be of type <skin> or <morph>!"); // dunnu yet how to handle multiple controllers. break; } } else if(node.geometries.length) { // got geometry, so create a TriangleMesh3D instance = new TriangleMesh3D(null, [], [],; // add all COLLADA geometries to the TriangleMesh3D for each(var geom:DaeInstanceGeometry in node.geometries) { var geometry:GeometryObject3D = _geometries[ geom.url ]; if(!geometry) continue; if(_geometries[ geom.url ] is Lines3D) { instance.addChild(_geometries[ geom.url ]); continue; } var materialInstances:Array = new Array(); if(geom.materials) { for each(var instanceMaterial:DaeInstanceMaterial in geom.materials) { material = this.materials.getMaterialByName(instanceMaterial.symbol); if(material) { // register shaded materials with its object if(material is AbstractLightShadeMaterial || material is ShadedMaterial) material.registerObject(instance); materialInstances.push(material); } } } mergeGeometries(instance.geometry, geometry.clone(instance), materialInstances); } } else { // no geometry, simply create a Joint3D instance = new DisplayObject3D(; } // recurse node instances for(i = 0; i < node.instance_nodes.length; i++) { var dae_node:DaeNode = document.getDaeNodeById(node.instance_nodes[i].url); buildNode(dae_node, instance); } // setup the initial transform instance.copyTransform(buildMatrix(node)); // recurse node children for(i = 0; i < node.nodes.length; i++) buildNode(node.nodes[i], instance); // save COLLADA id, sid _colladaID[instance] =; _colladaSID[instance] = node.sid; _colladaIDToObject[] = instance; _colladaSIDToObject[node.sid] = instance; _objectToNode[instance] = node; instance.flipLightDirection = true; parent.addChild(instance); } /** * Builds the scene. */ private function buildScene():void { if(this.parser.hasEventListener(Event.COMPLETE)) this.parser.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onParseComplete); if(this.parser.hasEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS)) this.parser.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onParseProgress); _controllers = new Array(); buildGeometries(); _rootNode = new DisplayObject3D("COLLADA_Scene"); for(var i:int = 0; i < this.document.vscene.nodes.length; i++) { buildNode(this.document.vscene.nodes[i], _rootNode); } // link the skins linkSkins(); this.addChild(_rootNode); if(this.yUp) { } else { _rootNode.rotationX = -90; _rootNode.rotationY = 180; } if(!_rightHanded) _rootNode.scaleX = -_rootNode.scaleX; // animation stuff _currentFrame = 0; _totalFrames = 0; _startTime = _endTime = 0; _channels = new Array(); _isAnimated = false; _isPlaying = false; // may have animations to be parsed. if(document.numQueuedAnimations) { _isAnimated = true; this.parser.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onParseAnimationsComplete); this.parser.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onParseAnimationsProgress); this.parser.readAnimations(); } dispatchEvent(new FileLoadEvent(FileLoadEvent.LOAD_COMPLETE, this.filename)); } /** * Builds a skin. * * @param instance * @param colladaSkin * @param skeletons */ private function buildSkin(instance:Skin3D, colladaSkin:DaeSkin, skeletons:Array, node:DaeNode):void { var skin:GeometryObject3D = _geometries[ colladaSkin.source ]; if(!skin) { // geometry can be inside a morph controller var morphController:DaeController = this.document.controllers[colladaSkin.source]; if(morphController && morphController.morph) { var morph:DaeMorph = morphController.morph; // fetch geometry skin = _geometries[morph.source]; // fetch target geometries for(var j:int = 0; j < morph.targets.length; j++) { var targetGeometry:GeometryObject3D = _geometries[morph.targets[j]]; } } if(!skin) throw new Error("no geometry for source: " + colladaSkin.source); } mergeGeometries(instance.geometry, skin.clone(instance)); _skins[ instance ] = colladaSkin; } /** * Builds vertices from a COLLADA mesh. * * @param mesh The COLLADA mesh. @see org.ascollada.core.DaeMesh * * @return Array of Vertex3D */ private function buildVertices(mesh:DaeMesh):Array { var vertices:Array = new Array(); for( var i:int = 0; i < mesh.vertices.length; i++ ) vertices.push(new Vertex3D(mesh.vertices[i][0], mesh.vertices[i][1], mesh.vertices[i][2])); return vertices; } /** * Recursively finds a child by its COLLADA is. * * @param id * @param parent * * @return The found child. */ private function findChildByID(id:String, parent:DisplayObject3D = null):DisplayObject3D { parent = parent || this; if(_colladaID[parent] == id) return parent; for each(var child:DisplayObject3D in parent.children) { var obj:DisplayObject3D = findChildByID(id, child); if(obj) return obj; } return null } /** * Recursively finds a child by its SID. * * @param name * @param parent * * @return The found child. */ private function findChildBySID(sid:String, parent:DisplayObject3D = null):DisplayObject3D { parent = parent || this; if(_colladaSID[parent] == sid) return parent; for each(var child:DisplayObject3D in parent.children) { var obj:DisplayObject3D = findChildBySID(sid, child); if(obj) return obj; } return null } /** * Tests whether a node has a baked transform * * @param node */ private function isBakedMatrix(node:DaeNode):Boolean { if(!node.transforms.length || node.transforms.length > 1) return false; var transform:DaeTransform = node.transforms[0]; return (transform.type == ASCollada.DAE_MATERIAL_ELEMENT); } /** * Setup the skin controllers. */ private function linkSkin(instance:DisplayObject3D, skin:DaeSkin):void { var i:int; var found:Object = new Object(); var controller:SkinController = new SkinController(instance as Skin3D); controller.bindShapeMatrix = new Matrix3D(skin.bind_shape_matrix); controller.joints = new Array(); controller.vertexWeights = new Array(); controller.invBindMatrices = new Array(); for(i = 0; i < skin.joints.length; i++) { var jointId:String = skin.joints[i]; if(found[jointId]) continue; var joint:DisplayObject3D = _colladaIDToObject[jointId]; if(!joint) joint = _colladaSIDToObject[jointId]; if(!joint) throw new Error("Couldn't find the joint id = " + jointId); var vertexWeights:Array = skin.findJointVertexWeightsByIDOrSID(jointId); if(!vertexWeights) throw new Error("Could not find vertex weights for joint with id = " + jointId); var bindMatrix:Array = skin.findJointBindMatrix2(jointId); if(!bindMatrix || bindMatrix.length != 16) throw new Error("Could not find inverse bind matrix for joint with id = " + jointId); controller.joints.push(joint); controller.invBindMatrices.push(new Matrix3D(bindMatrix)); controller.vertexWeights.push(vertexWeights); found[jointId] = true; } _controllers.push(controller); } /** * Setup the skin controllers. */ private function linkSkins():void { _numSkins = 0; for(var object:* in _skins) { var instance:TriangleMesh3D = object as TriangleMesh3D; if(!instance) throw new Error("Not a Skin3D?"); linkSkin(instance, _skins[object]); _numSkins++; } } /** * Loads the next material. * * @param event */ private function loadNextMaterial(event:FileLoadEvent=null):void { if(event) { var previous:BitmapFileMaterial = as BitmapFileMaterial; if(_rightHanded && previous) BitmapMaterialTools.mirrorBitmapX(previous.bitmap); } if(_queuedMaterials.length) { var data:Object = _queuedMaterials.shift(); var url:String = data.url; var symbol:String = data.symbol; url = url.replace(/\.tga/i, "."+DEFAULT_TGA_ALTERNATIVE); var material:BitmapFileMaterial = data.material; material.addEventListener(FileLoadEvent.LOAD_COMPLETE, loadNextMaterial); material.addEventListener(FileLoadEvent.LOAD_ERROR, onMaterialError); = symbol; material.texture = url + "?nc=" + Math.random(); this.materials.addMaterial(material, symbol); } else { dispatchEvent(new FileLoadEvent(FileLoadEvent.COLLADA_MATERIALS_DONE, this.filename)); buildScene(); } } /** * Merge geometries. * * @param target The target geometry to merge to. * @param source The source geometry * @param material Optional material for triangles, only used when a triangle has no material. */ private function mergeGeometries(target:GeometryObject3D, source:GeometryObject3D, materialInstances:Array=null):void { if(materialInstances && materialInstances.length) { var firstMaterial:MaterialObject3D = materialInstances[0]; for each(var triangle:Triangle3D in source.faces) { var correctMaterial:Boolean = false; for each(var material:MaterialObject3D in materialInstances) { if(material === triangle.material) { correctMaterial = true; break; } } triangle.material = correctMaterial ? triangle.material : firstMaterial; } } target.vertices = target.vertices.concat(source.vertices); target.faces = target.faces.concat(source.faces); target.ready = true; } /** * Called when a BitmapMaterial failed to load. * * @param event */ private function onMaterialError(event:Event):void { loadNextMaterial(); } /** * Called when the parser completed parsing animations. * * @param event */ private function onParseAnimationsComplete(event:Event):void { buildAnimationChannels(); _channels = this.getAnimationChannels() || new Array(); _currentFrame = _totalFrames = 0; _startTime = _endTime = 0; for each(var channel:AbstractChannel3D in _channels) { _totalFrames = Math.max(_totalFrames, channel.keyFrames.length); _startTime = Math.min(_startTime, channel.startTime); _endTime = Math.max(_endTime, channel.endTime); } "animations COMPLETE (#channels: " + _channels.length + " #frames: " + _totalFrames + ", startTime: " + _startTime + " endTime: " + _endTime+ ")"); dispatchEvent(new FileLoadEvent(FileLoadEvent.ANIMATIONS_COMPLETE, this.filename)); if(_autoPlay) play(); } /** * Called on parse animations progress. * * @param event */ private function onParseAnimationsProgress(event:ProgressEvent):void { "animations #" + event.bytesLoaded + " of " + event.bytesTotal); } /** * Called when the DaeReader completed parsing. * * @param event */ private function onParseComplete(event:Event):void { var reader:DaeReader = as DaeReader; this.document = reader.document; _textureSets = new Object(); _colladaID = new Dictionary(true); _colladaSID = new Dictionary(true); _colladaIDToObject = new Object(); _colladaSIDToObject = new Object(); _objectToNode = new Object(); _skins = new Dictionary(true); buildMaterials(); loadNextMaterial(); } /** * Called on parsing progress. * * @param event */ private function onParseProgress(event:ProgressEvent):void { } /** * * @param do3d * @param existingMaterial * @param newMaterial */ private function updateMaterials(do3d:DisplayObject3D, existingMaterial:MaterialObject3D, newMaterial:MaterialObject3D):void { existingMaterial.unregisterObject(do3d); // register shaded materials with its object if(newMaterial is AbstractLightShadeMaterial || newMaterial is ShadedMaterial) { newMaterial.registerObject(do3d); } if( do3d.material === existingMaterial ) do3d.material = newMaterial; if( do3d.geometry && do3d.geometry.faces && do3d.geometry.faces.length ) { for each( var triangle:Triangle3D in do3d.geometry.faces ) { if( triangle.material === existingMaterial ) triangle.material = newMaterial; } } for each(var child:DisplayObject3D in do3d.children) updateMaterials(child, existingMaterial, newMaterial); } /** */ private var _colladaID:Dictionary; /** */ private var _colladaSID:Dictionary; /** */ private var _colladaIDToObject:Object; /** */ private var _colladaSIDToObject:Object; /** */ private var _objectToNode:Object; /** */ private var _channelsByTarget:Dictionary; /** */ private var _geometries:Object; /** */ private var _queuedMaterials:Array; /** */ private var _textureSets:Object; /** */ private var _channels:Array; /** */ private var _skins:Dictionary; /** */ private var _numSkins:uint; /** */ private var _rootNode:DisplayObject3D; /** */ private var _currentFrame:int = 0; /** */ private var _currentTime:int; /** */ private var _totalFrames:int = 0; /** */ private var _startTime:Number; /** */ private var _endTime:Number; /** */ private var _isAnimated:Boolean = false; /** */ private var _isPlaying:Boolean = false; /** */ private var _autoPlay:Boolean; /** */ private var _rightHanded:Boolean; /** */ private var _controllers:Array; } }