package org.papervision3d.core.proto { import flash.display.BitmapData; import flash.display.Graphics; import; import flash.geom.Matrix; import flash.utils.Dictionary; import org.papervision3d.core.geom.renderables.Triangle3D; import; import org.papervision3d.core.render.draw.ITriangleDrawer; import org.papervision3d.core.render.material.MaterialManager; import org.papervision3d.materials.WireframeMaterial; import org.papervision3d.objects.DisplayObject3D; /** * The MaterialObject3D class is the base class for all materials. *
* Materials collects data about how objects appear when rendered. * * A material is data that you assign to objects or faces, so that they appear a certain way when rendered. Materials affect the line and fill colors. * * Materials create greater realism in a scene. A material describes how an object reflects or transmits light. * * You assign materials to individual objects or a selection of faces; a single object can contain different materials. * * MaterialObject3D is an abstract base class; therefore, you cannot call MaterialObject3D directly. */ public class MaterialObject3D extends EventDispatcher implements ITriangleDrawer { static private var _totalMaterialObjects :Number = 0; /** * A transparent or opaque BitmapData texture. */ public var bitmap :BitmapData; /** * A Boolean value that determines whether the BitmapData texture is smoothed when rendered. */ public var smooth :Boolean = false; /** * A Boolean value that determines whether the texture is tiled when rendered. Defaults to false. */ public var tiled :Boolean = false; /** * A RGB color value to draw the faces outline. */ public var lineColor :Number = DEFAULT_COLOR; /** * An 8-bit alpha value for the faces outline. If zero, no outline is drawn. */ public var lineAlpha :Number = 0; /** * An value for the thickness of the faces line. */ public var lineThickness:Number = 1; /** * A RGB color value to fill the faces with. Only used if no texture is provided. */ public var fillColor :Number = DEFAULT_COLOR; /** * An 8-bit alpha value fill the faces with. If this value is zero and no texture is provided or is undefined, a fill is not created. */ public var fillAlpha :Number = 0; /** * A Boolean value that indicates whether the faces are single sided. It has preference over doubleSided. */ public var oneSide :Boolean = true; /** * A Boolean value that indicates whether the faces are invisible (not drawn). */ public var invisible :Boolean = false; /** * A Boolean value that indicates whether the face is flipped. Only used if doubleSided or not singeSided. */ public var opposite :Boolean = false; /** * Color used for DEFAULT material. */ static public var DEFAULT_COLOR :int = 0x000000; /** * Color used for DEBUG material. */ static public var DEBUG_COLOR :int = 0xFF00FF; /** * The name of the material. */ public var name :String; /** * [internal-use] [read-only] Unique id of this instance. */ public var id :Number; /** * Internal use */ public var maxU :Number; /** * Internal use */ public var maxV :Number; /** * Holds the original size of the bitmap before it was resized by Automip mapping */ public var widthOffset:Number = 0; /** * Holds the original size of the bitmap before it was resized by Automip mapping */ public var heightOffset:Number = 0; /** * Defines if this material will be interactive; */ public var interactive:Boolean = false; protected var objects:Dictionary; /** * Creates a new MaterialObject3D object. * */ public function MaterialObject3D() { = _totalMaterialObjects++; MaterialManager.registerMaterial(this); objects = new Dictionary(true); } /** * Returns a MaterialObject3D object with the default magenta wireframe values. * * @return A MaterialObject3D object. */ static public function get DEFAULT():MaterialObject3D { var defMaterial :MaterialObject3D = new WireframeMaterial(); //RH, it now returns a wireframe material. defMaterial.lineColor = 0xFFFFFF * Math.random(); defMaterial.lineAlpha = 1; defMaterial.fillColor = DEFAULT_COLOR; defMaterial.fillAlpha = 1; defMaterial.doubleSided = false; return defMaterial; } static public function get DEBUG():MaterialObject3D { var defMaterial :MaterialObject3D = new MaterialObject3D(); defMaterial.lineColor = 0xFFFFFF * Math.random(); defMaterial.lineAlpha = 1; defMaterial.fillColor = DEBUG_COLOR; defMaterial.fillAlpha = 0.37; defMaterial.doubleSided = true; return defMaterial; } /** * drawTriangle(); * * Draws the triangle to screen. * */ public function drawTriangle(face3D:Triangle3D, graphics:Graphics, renderSessionData:RenderSessionData, altBitmap:BitmapData = null, altUV:Matrix = null):void { } /** * Updates the BitmapData bitmap from the given texture. * * Draws the current MovieClip image onto bitmap. */ public function updateBitmap():void {} /** * Copies the properties of a material. * * @param material Material to copy from. */ public function copy( material :MaterialObject3D ):void { this.bitmap = material.bitmap; this.smooth = material.smooth; this.lineColor = material.lineColor; this.lineAlpha = material.lineAlpha; this.fillColor = material.fillColor; this.fillAlpha = material.fillAlpha; this.oneSide = material.oneSide; this.opposite = material.opposite; this.invisible = material.invisible; =; this.maxU = material.maxU; this.maxV = material.maxV; } /** * Creates a copy of the material. * * @return A newly created material that contains the same properties. */ public function clone():MaterialObject3D { var cloned:MaterialObject3D = new MaterialObject3D(); cloned.copy(this); return cloned; } public function registerObject(displayObject3D:DisplayObject3D):void { objects[displayObject3D] = displayObject3D; } public function unregisterObject(displayObject3D:DisplayObject3D):void { if(objects && objects[displayObject3D] != null){ delete objects[displayObject3D]; } } public function destroy():void { objects = null; bitmap = null; MaterialManager.unRegisterMaterial(this); } /** * Returns a string value representing the material properties. * * @return A string. */ override public function toString():String { return '[MaterialObject3D] bitmap:' + this.bitmap + ' lineColor:' + this.lineColor + ' fillColor:' + fillColor; } /** * A Boolean value that indicates whether the faces are double sided. */ public function get doubleSided():Boolean { return ! this.oneSide; } public function set doubleSided( double:Boolean ):void { this.oneSide = ! double; } } }