package org.papervision3d.core.math { /** * The NumberUV class represents a value in a texture UV coordinate system. * * Properties u and v represent the horizontal and vertical texture axes respectively. * */ public class NumberUV { /** * The horizontal coordinate value. */ public var u: Number; /** * The vertical coordinate value. */ public var v: Number; /** * Creates a new NumberUV object whose coordinate values are specified by the u and v parameters. If you call this constructor function without parameters, a NumberUV with u and v properties set to zero is created. * * @param u The horizontal coordinate value. The default value is zero. * @param v The vertical coordinate value. The default value is zero. */ public function NumberUV( u: Number=0, v: Number=0 ) { this.u = u; this.v = v; } /** * Returns a new NumberUV object that is a clone of the original instance with the same UV values. * * @return A new NumberUV instance with the same UV values as the original NumberUV instance. */ public function clone():NumberUV { return new NumberUV( this.u, this.v ); } /** * Returns a NumberUV object with u and v properties set to zero. * * @return A NumberUV object. */ static public function get ZERO():NumberUV { return new NumberUV( 0, 0 ); } /** * Returns a string value representing the UV values in the specified NumberUV object. * * @return A string. */ public function toString(): String { return 'u:' + u + ' v:' + v; } } }