package org.papervision3d.core.culling { import org.papervision3d.core.geom.renderables.Vertex3D; import org.papervision3d.core.math.AxisAlignedBoundingBox; import org.papervision3d.core.math.BoundingSphere; import org.papervision3d.core.math.Matrix3D; import org.papervision3d.core.math.Number3D; import org.papervision3d.objects.DisplayObject3D; /** * @author Tim Knip */ public class FrustumCuller implements IObjectCuller { public static const INSIDE:int = 1; public static const OUTSIDE:int = -1; public static const INTERSECT:int = 0; /** */ public var transform : Matrix3D; /** * Constructor. */ public function FrustumCuller() { this.transform = Matrix3D.IDENTITY; this.initialize(); } /** * Intializes the frustum. * * @param fovY Vertical Field Of View in degrees. * @param ratio Aspect ratio (ie: viewport.width / viewport.height). * @param near Distance to near plane (ie: camera.focus). * @param far Distance to far plane. */ public function initialize(fovY:Number=60, ratio:Number=1.333, near:Number=1, far:Number=5000):void { // store the information _fov = fovY; _ratio = ratio; _near = near; _far = far; var angle : Number = (Math.PI/180) * _fov * 0.5; // compute width and height of the near and far section _tang = Math.tan(angle); _nh = _near * _tang; _nw = _nh * _ratio; _fh = _far * _tang; _fw = _fh * _ratio; var anglex : Number = Math.atan(_tang * _ratio); // used for bounding-sphere culling _sphereX = 1.0 / Math.cos(anglex); _sphereY = 1.0 / Math.cos(angle); } /** * Tests whether an axis aligned boundingbox is inside, outside or intersecting the frustum. * When earlyOut is set to true, the method returns INSIDE when a single point of the aabb is * inside the frustum (fast). Set earlyOut to false if you want to test for INTERSECT. * * @param object The object to test. * @param aabb AxisAlignedBoundingBox. * @param earlyOut Early out. Default is true. * * @return Integer indicating inside(1), outside(-1) or intersecting(0) the frustum. */ public function aabbInFrustum(object:DisplayObject3D, aabb:AxisAlignedBoundingBox, earlyOut:Boolean=true):int { var vertex:Vertex3D; var num:Number3D; var numInside:int = 0; var numOutside:int = 0; var vertices:Array = aabb.getBoxVertices(); // Transform the boundingbox to world and test... for each(vertex in vertices) { num = vertex.toNumber3D(); Matrix3D.multiplyVector(, num); if(pointInFrustum(num.x, num.y, num.z) == INSIDE) { numInside++; if(earlyOut) return INSIDE; } else numOutside++; // aabb has points both inside and outside the frustum, must be intersecting. if(numInside && numOutside) return INTERSECT; } if(numInside) return (numInside < 8 ? INTERSECT : INSIDE); else return OUTSIDE; } /** * Tests whether a point is inside the frustum. * * @param x * @param y * @param z * * @return Integer indicating inside (1) or outside (-1) the frustum. */ public function pointInFrustum(x : Number, y : Number, z : Number) : int { var m :Matrix3D = this.transform; // compute vector from camera position to p var px :Number = x - m.n14; var py :Number = y - m.n24; var pz :Number = z - m.n34; // compute and test the Z coordinate var pcz : Number = px * m.n13 + py * m.n23 + pz * m.n33; if (pcz > _far || pcz < _near) return OUTSIDE; // compute and test the Y coordinate var pcy : Number = px * m.n12 + py * m.n22 + pz * m.n32; var aux : Number = pcz * _tang; if(pcy > aux || pcy < -aux) return OUTSIDE; // compute and test the X coordinate var pcx : Number = px * m.n11 + py * m.n21 + pz * m.n31; aux = aux * _ratio; if (pcx > aux || pcx < -aux) return OUTSIDE; return INSIDE; } /** * Tests whether a sphere is inside the frustum. * * @param object The object to test. * @param boundingSphere The bounding sphere. * * @return Integer indicating inside (1), outside (0) or intersecting (-1) the frustum. */ public function sphereInFrustum(obj:DisplayObject3D, boundingSphere:BoundingSphere) : int { var radius:Number = boundingSphere.radius; var d : Number; var ax : Number; var ay : Number; var az : Number; var result : int = INSIDE; var m:Matrix3D = this.transform; // compute vector from camera position to p var px : Number = - m.n14; var py : Number = - m.n24; var pz : Number = - m.n34; // near and far az = px * m.n13 + py * m.n23 + pz * m.n33; if(az > _far + radius || az < _near-radius) return OUTSIDE; if(az > _far - radius || az < _near+radius) result = INTERSECT; // top and bottom ay = px * m.n12 + py * m.n22 + pz * m.n32; d = _sphereY * radius; az *= _tang; if(ay > az+d || ay < -az-d) return OUTSIDE; if(ay > az-d || ay < -az+d) result = INTERSECT; // left and right ax = px * m.n11 + py * m.n21 + pz * m.n31; az *= _ratio; d = _sphereX * radius; if(ax > az+d || ax < -az-d) return OUTSIDE; if(ax > az-d || ax < -az+d) result = INTERSECT; return result; } /** * Tests whether an object is inside the frustum. * * @param obj The object to test * * @return Integer indicating inside(1), outside(-1) or intersecting(0) */ public function testObject( obj:DisplayObject3D ):int { var result : int = INSIDE; if(!obj.geometry || !obj.geometry.vertices || !obj.geometry.vertices.length) return result; switch(obj.frustumTestMethod) { case FrustumTestMethod.BOUNDING_SPHERE: result = sphereInFrustum(obj, obj.geometry.boundingSphere); break; case FrustumTestMethod.BOUNDING_BOX: result = aabbInFrustum(obj, obj.geometry.aabb); break; case FrustumTestMethod.NO_TESTING: break; default: break; } return result; } public function set far(value : Number):void { this.initialize(_fov, _ratio, _near, value); } public function get far() : Number { return _far; } public function set fov(value : Number):void { this.initialize(value, _ratio, _near, _far); } public function get fov() : Number { return _fov; } public function set near(value : Number):void { this.initialize(_fov, _ratio, value, _far); } public function get near() : Number { return _near; } public function set ratio(value : Number):void { this.initialize(_fov, value, _near, _far); } public function get ratio() : Number { return _ratio; } private var _fov : Number; private var _far : Number; private var _near : Number; private var _nw : Number; private var _nh : Number; private var _fw : Number; private var _fh : Number; private var _tang : Number; private var _ratio : Number; private var _sphereX : Number; private var _sphereY : Number; } }