package com.transmote.flar { import flash.geom.Point; import org.libspark.flartoolkit.core.FLARSquare; import org.libspark.flartoolkit.core.labeling.FLARLabelingLabel; /** * wrapper for FLARSquare that provides: * - centerpoint of outline; * - a more accurately descriptive name. * * @author Eric Socolofsky * @url */ public class FLARMarkerOutline extends FLARSquare { internal var _centerpoint:Point; /** * constructor. */ public function FLARMarkerOutline (line:Array, sqvertex:Array, imvertex:Array, label:FLARLabelingLabel) { super(); this.line = line; this.sqvertex = sqvertex; this.imvertex = imvertex; this.label = label; this._centerpoint = new Point( 0.25 * (this.sqvertex[0].x + this.sqvertex[1].x + this.sqvertex[2].x + this.sqvertex[3].x), 0.25 * (this.sqvertex[0].y + this.sqvertex[1].y + this.sqvertex[2].y + this.sqvertex[3].y)); } /** * centerpoint of marker outline; * calculated as average of four corner points. */ public function get centerpoint () :Point { return this._centerpoint; } } }