package com.transmote.utils.geom { import com.transmote.utils.geom.Line; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.geom.Rectangle; /** * Represents a 2D line segment. * * @author Eric Socolofsky * @url */ public class Line { public var x1:Number; public var x2:Number; public var y1:Number; public var y2:Number; /** * constructs and initializes a Line from the specified coordinates. */ public function Line (x1:Number=0.0, y1:Number=0.0, x2:Number=0.0, y2:Number=0.0) { this.x1 = x1; this.x2 = x2; this.y1 = y1; this.y2 = y2; } /** * returns the Line defined by two Points. * @param pt1 line startpoint. * @param pt2 line endpoint. * @return calculated Line. */ public static function createLineByPoints (pt1:Point, pt2:Point) :Line { return new Line(pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x, pt2.y); } /** * returns the Line from a starting point, of a given angle and length. * @param point line startpont. * @param angle angle in radians. * @param length line length. * @return calculated Line. * * TODO: not yet tested. */ public static function createLineByPointAngleLength (pt:Point, angleInRadians:Number, length:Number) :Line { var endX:Number = length * Math.cos(angleInRadians); var endY:Number = length * Math.sin(angleInRadians); return new Line(pt.x, pt.y, endX, endY); } /** * returns the Point of intersection of this and another Line. * if Lines are parallel, returns null. * @param line other Line with which to find intersection. * @param bWithinSegmentBounds if true, returns intersections only with Line.getBounds of each Line. */ public function getIntersection (line:Line, bWithinSegmentBounds:Boolean=false) :Point { var mA:Number = this.getSlope(); var mB:Number = line.getSlope(); var intX:Number, intY:Number; if (mA == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY || mA == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { if (mB == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY || mB == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { // both vertical return null; } // this Line is vertical intX = this.x1; intY = mB * (intX - line.x1) + line.y1; } else if (mB == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY || mB == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { // other Line is vertical intX = line.x1; intY = mA * (intX - this.x1) + this.y1; } else { // neither line is vertical var bA:Number = this.y1 - mA * this.x1; var bB:Number = line.y1 - mB * line.x1; intX = (bB - bA) / (mA - mB); intY = mB*intX + bB; } var intersectionPt:Point = new Point(intX, intY); if (bWithinSegmentBounds) { if (this.getBounds().contains(intersectionPt.x,intersectionPt.y) && line.getBounds().contains(intersectionPt.x,intersectionPt.y)) { return intersectionPt; } else { return null; } } else { return intersectionPt; } } /** * retrieve Line startpoint. */ public function getPt1 () :Point { return new Point(x1, y1); } /** * retrieve Line endpoint. */ public function getPt2 () :Point { return new Point(x2, y2); } /** * angle of this Line (in radians). */ public function getAngle () :Number { return Math.atan2(this.y2-this.y1, this.x2-this.x1); } public function getSlope () :Number { return (this.y2-this.y1) / (this.x2-this.x1); } public function getYIntercept () :Number { return (this.y1 - this.getSlope() * this.x1); } public function getBounds () :Rectangle { return new Rectangle(Math.min(this.x1, this.x2), Math.min(this.y1, this.y2), Math.abs(this.x2-this.x1), Math.abs(this.y2-this.y1)); } } }