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targetCenterpoint3D — Property in class com.transmote.flar.marker.FLARMarker
returns centerpoint at location toward which this FLARMarker is moving (target location at end of smoothing animation).
threshold — Property in class com.transmote.flar.FLARManager
pixels in source image with a brightness <= to this.threshold are candidates for marker outline detection.
thresholdSourceDisplay — Property in class com.transmote.flar.FLARManager
display the source BitmapData used by FLARToolkit post-thresholding.
toString() — Method in class com.transmote.flar.marker.FLARMarker
_transformMatrix — Property in class com.transmote.flar.marker.FLARMarker
transformMatrix — Property in class com.transmote.flar.marker.FLARMarker
FLARDoubleMatrix34 matrix that describes transformation of marker relative to the camera.
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