package { import com.transmote.flar.marker.FLARMarker; import com.transmote.flar.utils.geom.FLARSandyGeomUtils; import flash.display.Sprite; import; import flash.utils.Dictionary; import org.libspark.flartoolkit.core.param.FLARParam; import org.libspark.flartoolkit.core.types.FLARIntSize; import; import sandy.core.Scene3D; import sandy.core.scenegraph.Group; import sandy.core.scenegraph.TransformGroup; import sandy.materials.Appearance; import sandy.materials.ColorMaterial; import sandy.materials.attributes.LightAttributes; import sandy.materials.attributes.MaterialAttributes; import sandy.primitive.Box; /** * standard FLARToolkit Sandy3D example, with our friends the Cubes. * code is borrowed heavily from Makc the Great: * * * the Sandy3D platform can be found here: * * please note, usage of the Sandy3D platform is subject to Sandy3D's licensing. * * @author Eric Socolofsky * @url */ public class SimpleCubes_Sandy3D extends Sprite { private static const CUBE_SIZE:Number = 40; private var viewport:Sprite; private var camera3D:FLARCamera3D; private var scene3D:Scene3D; private var bMirrorDisplay:Boolean; private var markersByPatternId:Vector.>; // FLARMarkers, arranged by patternId private var containersByMarker:Dictionary; // Cube containers, hashed by corresponding FLARMarker public function SimpleCubes_Sandy3D (numPatterns:uint, cameraParams:FLARParam, mirrorDisplay:Boolean, viewportWidth:Number, viewportHeight:Number) { this.bMirrorDisplay = mirrorDisplay; this.init(numPatterns); this.initSandy3DEnvironment(cameraParams, viewportWidth, viewportHeight); } public function addMarker (marker:FLARMarker) :void { // store marker var markerList:Vector. = this.markersByPatternId[marker.patternId]; markerList.push(marker); // create a new Cube, and place it inside a container (TransformGroup) for manipulation var container:TransformGroup = new TransformGroup(); var cube:Box = new Box("cube", CUBE_SIZE, CUBE_SIZE, CUBE_SIZE); cube.z = 0.5 * CUBE_SIZE; cube.appearance = new Appearance(this.getMaterialByPatternId(marker.patternId)); container.addChild(cube); this.scene3D.root.addChild(container); // associate container with corresponding marker this.containersByMarker[marker] = container; } public function removeMarker (marker:FLARMarker) :void { // find and remove marker var markerList:Vector. = this.markersByPatternId[marker.patternId]; var markerIndex:uint = markerList.indexOf(marker); if (markerIndex != -1) { markerList.splice(markerIndex, 1); } // find and remove corresponding container var container:TransformGroup = this.containersByMarker[marker]; if (container) { container.remove(); } delete this.containersByMarker[marker] } private function init (numPatterns:uint) :void { // set up lists (Vectors) of FLARMarkers, arranged by patternId this.markersByPatternId = new Vector.>(numPatterns, true); while (numPatterns--) { this.markersByPatternId[numPatterns] = new Vector.(); } // prepare hashtable for associating Cube containers with FLARMarkers this.containersByMarker = new Dictionary(true); } private function initSandy3DEnvironment (cameraParams:FLARParam, viewportWidth:Number, viewportHeight:Number) :void { this.viewport = new Sprite(); var screenSize:FLARIntSize = cameraParams.getScreenSize(); this.viewport.scaleX = viewportWidth / screenSize.w; this.viewport.scaleY = viewportHeight / screenSize.h; this.camera3D = new FLARCamera3D(cameraParams); this.scene3D = new Scene3D("scene3D", this.viewport, this.camera3D, new Group()); this.addChild(this.viewport); this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, this.onEnterFrame); } private function onEnterFrame (evt:Event) :void { this.updateCubes(); this.scene3D.render(); } private function updateCubes () :void { // update all Cube containers according to the transformation matrix in their associated FLARMarkers var i:int = this.markersByPatternId.length; var markerList:Vector.; var marker:FLARMarker; var container:TransformGroup; var j:int; while (i--) { markerList = this.markersByPatternId[i]; j = markerList.length; while (j--) { marker = markerList[j]; container = this.containersByMarker[marker]; container.resetCoords(); container.matrix = FLARSandyGeomUtils.convertFLARMatrixToSandyMatrix(marker.transformMatrix, this.bMirrorDisplay); } } } private function getMaterialByPatternId (patternId:int) :ColorMaterial { var attr:MaterialAttributes = new MaterialAttributes(new LightAttributes(true, 0.1)); var material:ColorMaterial = new ColorMaterial(0xFFFFFF, 1.0, attr); material.lightingEnable = true; switch (patternId) { case 0: material.color = 0xFF1919; break; case 1: material.color = 0xFF19E8; break; case 2: material.color = 0x9E19FF; break; case 3: material.color = 0x192EFF; break; case 4: material.color = 0x1996FF; break; case 5: material.color = 0x19FDFF; break; case 6: material.color = 0x19FF5A; break; case 7: material.color = 0x19FFAA; break; case 8: material.color = 0x6CFF19; break; case 9: material.color = 0xF9FF19; break; case 10: material.color = 0xFFCE19; break; case 11: material.color = 0xFF9A19; break; case 12: material.color = 0xFF6119; break; default: material.color = 0x00CCCC; } return material; } } }